Resolution 1095 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 3641.3 RESOLUTION N,0.Lq2.r2— A RESOLUTTON estimatim-r the cost of libliting Special Li&hting District Niumber T11TRTY--S!X of the City of Ealispell. for the year 1925, and levying and assessing all the property withir the said district with the cost of li&-htinF say I d � � dist I, lot BEE IT RESOLVED BY TIT E CITY COUNICTL OF TE',E CITY OF FALISPELL,, SECTI OF, 1. The cost of ligbtinE,.; Lit-_,hting District Number T7TRTY-STX of the City of XRIASr-"ell for the year 1925, is estimated to be $66.00 SECTION 2. A tax pis hereby, levied and assessed upon all the property in the said lip,,hting di�triot for the amount of the extimated cost of li6htink� the streets therein by apportioning the several lots and parcels of lancl within the said- district. (Reference is hereby made to the original Resolutiori wlhich is on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for 6, specific description of the property embraced in tle. albove mentioned, resolution.) SECTION 3- The tax lh.ereby levied becoy),,,es delinquent at six otclook P. 111- or, the 70th aie,y of Noverober, 192,. SECTION 4Reference is hereby i,,,-,-)Ae to the Resallation of izltuentiLor, to Create Lighting Diotrict. 'I'lumber THIRTY-SIX for fiarthcr .far %,rticulars. Jntrodw,De�, Septem,,ber 14th anset f7or heziring October t5th 8A 7;30 o'clock P. 1A. A. Z. BcdoTman, Layor. Attest-: P. 1'. Holzknec]-it, City Clerk. AdopteLl t1his the 5-h 3aY Of October, 192P. Approved this tbe 5th day of October, 1925. A. Z. IZIyor. Atte-,t.P, FHolzknecht, City