Resolution 1102 - Assessment - SID 229nSOLIUTION NO, 1102 A RESOLUTION, levying a tax upon all t",,le property in Special Improv- ement District No. 229 of the Cjtv of K,,.jiispe,,.j Montana, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of Improvements made and constructed in said District in accordanoe with regolutions and ordinances of the City of Kalispell, j4antcjjaa. BE IT RESOLVED) BY TH-2 CITY COUNCIL OF THE 01T7 OF KALI8PELL., Sea -Ilion 1. V-Aer42�� is hereby leviecl anA asGessed to defray the cost of 8xpens­.�s anA ilvr,),roveyEellts MaXie End 010ilstmotal in Special Improvement dist- rict No. 229 of tb.e City of, K,-,jjjqpeij, 11027trjn,p �1., in as cordanoe with the ree- olutions and ordinances of the said City, a tax against all property inoj,, m ed in the district; t116 amiount to be chad xgea6,Anqt each lot or pa,rcel thereof being set opposite the dClsoription of the property and the name of the owner, as follows, to.-rit, (Reference is hereby made to the Original res0i-,jyi0j,, on file and of recrod In tie t.affios -,)7 tbe City Clerk for a Specliflo description of the property eaibraced In the above fr�entionpd Sec ion 2. The sa,!­:, to.xes to be paicl in tan annual instailme-nts the fiTs� installment 6f which shall 1)ecome due and payable -mporj -nie of 'A, OeTtified COPY Of this res0"at!01,1 in the offioP of the City TTeasurer of the said City an] shall become delinqi_€ent azfter the 30t'h., day of Kovember 132fr, civil annual instellments sballtl,Oreafter become d- y bl ae n-VII pa a e on" j"irst lav of Octobler of eaolh, year zmd delinquent on t-ae -10tin clay ot, in eaolh yeal% All of the albovc pay.ments, bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per apm%xm. Introd"Iced t1ni­ql ttra c1,qy of Septe.mber 1�25 anl set for October 5th 1925, at 7:70 o'cl,.,)ck 22. M. A, E. Br),�rfAmi, 148yor At,telst,- P. FHolz�meclt, 'Citv Cllpxk, Approved this r)t1h, -a,,,,y of Octr,)ber, IP�25 A2, Bo,a_nman, Mayor. At, llw,, S t, P - FT HO 17 kilo, C h t , C i Vv 01. er k tit ate of mon',a-ma, 0 P Omznty ok Flathead 3S. 0JAy of Kalispell 1, P. F% HcAzkneab,t, C'Ler,c ol the City of Xalis,aell, do herdby cert!Jfy t"ne fore,"OLlip" is, full, true an: exact copy of -1 re'solut?on pasoed by t;ie City Co�,,,,ncii &ni. approved by t1he Ma.yoT + u'l ft 6r, 1" V,1i tne _o my ikxa this, "ith day of October, 1',-,125. F. F. Holznecht, Cj.ty Clerk.