Resolution 1094 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 35amLI.-T10.11 N0. 1094 A RESOLUTION estimatiUiE t'Llie cost of lighting Special Lighting T)istrict Mamber THIRTY-FIVE of the City of Js.�Iis]pejj for the year 192-, awl levying and asscssing all the property BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TINE CITY CiF KALISPELL: SECTION 1 - The cost of lighting Tjghtjn�,,-,Ibis txact Number THTRTY-FIVE of the City of Xalis,,Pell for the year 192�r is estimated to be $ 167-40 SE CTION 2. A tax is hereby levied and aaseesed upon all the, property in the said lighting district for the amount of the estjjL,i,tecj cost of IiE; tin g the streets th.erein by apportioning the Several lots and pareels of 1&nd withi.i the said district. (Reference is Inereby aiarle 'to tlhe Original Resolution which 1s On file ancl, of reoord, in 'the office of the City Cleo for a specific description ol.` the property Prnbraced ithe, rabove mentioned resol:a'Lion.) SECTION The to, hereby levied becoa.es,rIelinqaeat at six, o'clock P. Y. an,,'he 30th day of November, 1925. SECTION 4. Refemce is hereby made to the lReSOlUtiLon of intention to create Light-Ing District Nui,.,beT THIRTY-FI19 for fuxthex partleulars. Introduced September 1.4th and set for hearin�, October 5th at 7'30 o'clock PM. A. E. Eoorman, Dia-yor. Attestor P. F. H,-)Izknecht, City Clerk. kdopted this Mae 5th day of OctobeT, 1.92v;. 1 Approve, this t",'ie �-)th clay of October, 125. ,N4 E. Boorrriar�, Mayor. Attest P. F. HolzkrLecht,'Vkty clerk.