Resolution 1093 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 3441-1 RESOLUTION NO. 10C�3 A RESOLUTION estimatin6 1,11e cost of, liloh-tinE 'Special Lighting District 1�,njabor THIRTY—FOUR of the City of Kalispell for the year 1925, and. levyinpg and anu,,,zging P-11 the property within the said district mith the cast, of" li�hting sai(j dj&tric.�t. BE, IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF XALISPELL: SECTION 1. The cost of lightin6 LiL,htin6, District D"iber THIRTYA-FOUR of the City of Kalie4pell for the year 1925 is e8— timated 'to be j 121-.90 SECTION 2. A tFX is bereby levied and assessed upon 1111 tj,,je PXOPertY iTI, the said ligh-16iii6 district for t�.,e amount of the eatimEtted: cost of lightinL, the street,,3 tulierein by apportiordno, t, the several lots and parceiq of land -wit in the said district. (Refer'ence is hereby wa-de to t-lie orl&imii wh-j ch i,s On file 8-nd- Of record in tl,ae office of the Ci-ty Clerk for a specific description of the propertly embraced, Jr, th.e ab,,)ve mentioned resolution.( BECTION 3. The tax hereby levied becomes, del inquent at six 0clock P14., 01" the 30tb day of No ember, 1925. SECT110N 4. Reference is hereby made to t,-,,e Resolution of intention .to create Li6hting District Nuiber TH1RTY—F(X1JR for further particul-em,- 111troduced September 14th and Get for 11c,11'ing October r-th at '7:30 otclock P. 1 A - E. B)ors yiian, Attest: P- F. liolzknecllllt, City Clerk. Adoptocl thls tl-;e �5,1111 Day of Glctoberp Approve<3. tl,".is the vJth clay Li.-F Octobe--, 102,'�,. I I Attest, P� F. Holzknach,t,,City CTC.rk.