Resolution 1086 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 27I= RESOLUTION NO. ios6 A RESOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting Special 1,i6hting District Number TWENTY-SEVEN of the City of Xaii-spell for the year 1925, anA levying enrl aveesslng all the p:roperty within the said dllstriot with the coat of lighting 57add district. AE IT IRESOLVED BY THX CITY CQ'UNCIL OF TF1 CITY OF KALISPr,,LLm ST CT I ONT 1. The cost-olf lighling Lighting District Number T Al I N T Y_ IS F, V1 X, of the City of Xalisa peil for the 'yoar 192P is es- -timated to be $232.92 SECT1011 21. A tv,x is hereby levied and aseessed upon all the propexty in t1he sai' li�hting district for the ammint of the eatimated cost of lighting "he streets therein by apportioaiI16 'the seversnl lots aM pa,�Oels of land within 'the said, d1strict. (Refere,rice is hereby made to t1,ae original Resolution which J,s orgy file and of record in the o:lkfioe of the City Clerk for a specific deqcTi�tion of the gropxty embraoecl in the above mentioned resolution.) SE CT I ON 3. The tax hereby levied becom.0 s delinquent at six Wclock P. ld.$ on the 3011-h day of Novejr,i:er, iqe'5. SECTION 4. Re-.eTence is heieby made to the -Res ulution of intention to create Lightinz Vistric". NuiLber TWENTI-SPVLED for f�irther particulars Introduced Septerr-Iber 1th and set fox 1,,eayiri.g Octobex 5th at 7z30 otclock F,,® 1. Xm Boorman, kayor. Attest: P. F. Holzknecht,_ 0i't'y Clerk. Adopted this the 5th Da:y Of October, IQ/25- Approved this the 5th day of October, 1925 A. Z. Boomall, aayor Attest: P. F. Holzkxlecht, City clerk.