Resolution 1085 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 23ME RESOLUTIOR NO. _1081:�, A RESOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting, Special Li.--bting District Nuxtber TIVENTY-ITHIU2 of the City of Kdlispell for the Year 1.025, and. levying and assessin,- all the property .within the said. district wltIi t1ne cost of libhting said district. BE IT F�ZSOLVED 3Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL. SECTION 1. The cost of lighting Ligh.ting District Number TWENT Y-T HRE E of the city of Kalispeil foT the year 1925 is es- timated to be $102.00 SECTION 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the P"OPLIrtV in- tlmm- said lightin6 district for this anount of the estimated cost of ligh.ting the streets tberein by apportioning tho severpl jots v_nj paxcej,s of land witbin tie said. district. (RafeTelnkae is tier by made to 'the original Reaolotion which is on file and of record in tTic office of the City Clerk for as sPecific de9crlption of the property evbrac-ed in the above mentlioned resolution.) SECTION The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six ofelook P. 14. On the 3,)th day of Nove-.mber, 11025. SZ0TION 4. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution of intention to create Lighting District Number TWENTY-THREE for further particulars D'I Introduced September 14th and, set for r 5"' at 7:30 o'clock P. IL A. E. Bo=Lan, Layor Attest:. PF. Holzknecht, City Clerk. A dopted this the 5th -lay of October, 192��:,; Approc,ed this the 5th. day of October, llf2s',. A. E. Boorman, May= Attest,. P. F1zjo1zk-nec1-.,t, City Clerk.