Resolution 1084 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 20RESOLUTTON A RCSOLUTTOR 09titating the cost of ltghti .t District TWENTY of the 01t igpoll for the Year 19 , and levying and assessing all the property within the Laid 41,striat with the cost off''lighting arsid district. BE IT USOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF LI C_ ' 1. ThS 00st of lighting Lighting District ftmber Tb ENT Y of the City of Zallapall for the year 1995 t*a- SICTION . A taX is baroby levied and assessed upon all to prop"ty in the said lighting district tor the ammut of the the several loto and paroelo of C witbin the said 4istriat, 4 Mentiouta olutior.) 880TION 3. The tax 'hereby levied becomes dolinquent at six otalock P4 . on the tts day tuber$ 1925. 320TION i. Reference is heraby madoto the resolution of intention to create Lighting Dlatrlot NW,4b8r VNEXTY I t d d Be-ptember 14U and set foz heartugto t A. 9. Boca ,, Mayor. Attests. P. V. Holsknoaht, 0ity Clerk. Adopted this the 5tb Day of October# 1925., A. °, . Buox, mayor Attest 9 JP. F, Holskneeht, Oity Clerk.