Resolution 1083 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 16A KSOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting Special Lighting Di,strict; Number SIXTEEN f the city .. Kelispell for the year 19250 and levying and assessing all the property within the said district witb the scut of lighting said distriot. RESOLVEDBE IT BY TIZCITY 00UNGIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELT4 . The cost of lighting Lighting District SIXTEEN Of the city Of Kalispell for the year 1925 i0 as— timated to be C 363®0 UOTION 2. A tax Is reby levied andupon oal t. property in the said righting district for the swunt of the estimated skeet of .i ti,n the streets therein by apportioni, :' the several lasts and PaT0016 Of land within the said distriot. (Reference is bersby made to the original Resolution whiah in on file and of re si In the offtee of the City clorkfor a specific dOsoription of the property embraced in the above mentioned resolution.) WrION 3. The tez hereby 'levied b000 delinauut at six ovalook P. . on the 30th day of November* i . OT.. ence to hereby made to the He solutiou of intention to create Lighting District Rumber Sixteen for further particulate InttoduO44 September 14th and set for 'hearing 0tobe t . X. Boorman, mayor Att : t t . P. P. Holzknoobto City Clerk. 4opted this the 5tb slay of Ootobero: 1925 APPr0"dthis the 5th day of October,1925. A. X. Boorman., Mayor Attest:. P. F. Holzknechtt City Clerk..