Resolution 1080 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 13mm
UVA406 tO b* *435.00
ja,ovorty In the *414 Ughtifig 414triot for the somt of tho
OSSU01404 O"t *f Ughttog tbe strwts theroto 'by op"Moviog
tho sovor"'al late ftn4, of land VIVAS tbo Bald ftauloto
(Raftranoo to hors" U440 U %be oft'suml RmAuttos ftick
to '40, "10 ma of T000r4 In the offloo of the city Mott, fm
4 OrAWIO 00"VIOIGM of 16he PT*V*ty *46M4*4 iu the AboVe
8SMOR J* The tow horoby levied b000ms 6*jtmq"st at
on %,he ?.nth ofty of movoutort, 1995*
asm"You "forenoo to Wroby MM to tto ResolutIon of
IMOAttOn tO MOStf, 1,16MIU4 M14trALOt *WbOr THIRTEEN
for furthor flgrUftla"
Tat"ftool ftptowl�*,f 14th mA got for Wartrw, 0044bor 5th
at 700 otolo&
A# 9* a0armmV, uftyw*
AttOgti Po IF. fVOI9%W*ht, 01%7 O%Otk*
Mopted thy,.* the 5 b 0*,y Df Oetobor# 1995#
P',Pro"S this thV Sth dSY Of O*t*Wr# 1995
A* S* Maytt
Otoott P, F, 4*11umoM4 otty M*Vk*