Resolution 1092 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 33RZSOLUTION 00.,.C�2
A ?ZOOLUTION estimating the oast of lighting Spsizial Lighting
Distriot Number THIRI"Y-THREE of tbo (nty of lKalispoll for
the year 192% ane d. agse,, 49 Ing , &11, the prcperty
Within the said diStriot with the poet Of 11Sbtitg said district.
S90TI-01 .- The cost of lighting Lighting, M-6triat V=bax
THIRTY-TFIREE of 'the City of galiqrIR11 f or the year 1525, to
estimated to be $ 201.96
SZOTION 2. A tax it hereby levW anA mi-Sesqed upon all the
property In the said lighting diattiot for tbe azount of the
O'StIzated cost of lighting the streets therein by sppertjisng
the jovoral lots and yjar*els of lana withiva the said district.
(rieferanoo is hereby mado to the original tiou obich
is Ov- file and of rodord in the O?ftce of the City Mark for
a APOW1.0 desoription of the rty 610c"race'di th's above
mentioned resolution.)
SEMIGH 3. The tax heTaby levied 1*eomes delitcluent at
six ovolook P. V1. axeba 10th day of KovenA,�!ro 1925.
SECTUM 4* Rafe:ftee is hereby made to the at*ojutjot o2
Intention 'to Oreate Lightitg Diotriot Pumber, THIRTY-THREE
for Scart partioulars.
Introdueed Septembor l4th axed set for hearing Ootober 5th
at 7:30 otoloax P- U-
A. S. Boorman$ Uayor.
Atteatt P. F. Holaknoobt, City Clerk.
Adopted this the 5th day of 00tobar, V)25.
Approved tbia, the 5th Jay of Oatober, 1925.
A,. E. BOOtwant Mayor.
Attest P. F. Holzkneoh-t'O My Clerk.