Resolution 1089 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 30. the fjortof 11rbUng Spealal Lighting Mutriat HmbaV thirty of the city of Kalil'.. the yeat IV250,. thin the Sato district With the cost of lighting ftid 4141ri0t* 'THR CITY , F THR CITY Of AM lighting THIRTY of the city of xallwpell5 to as- timatO4101. 32 Pill 1 111111111pli I I I I I! I I I 1! 111111 estim&ted **it of lighting g 1 $treats tbarein by apportioning lot$ . ; n Tf x � to ou ftle audo office of %lie City Mork for odic &ROTIPtton of the pxo'�rerty anbraeod 4.,t tile ftjz�ovo MOTTOW 4. R . 'hereby made to Ove iie%olutlon of for twther y for hearing Ootobar at 7:70 0*0).Ook P. g. . R armanoMayor Attestt P. F. hto City Clerk* A440004, thiA the 5th ORS of 00tobero 1925, , ' tWoht* 4�jty C,10rkv