Resolution 1073 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 5. a, �, tine tho 00at of lightingoffal Lighting District Rumber F1 VE of the alty of Kalispell for 0 and levyingl the the #aid diatriet with t1w toot of lighting said distriat. HX CITE" COUICU OF THS CITY OV KAUf,,xTZLLA '* z U on file and of record In ttbe oftloo of the City Mork for %u'o UOT-101 3. dellaqUent at '. U. On thO 30th 46y of NoVemboro . SECTIOR It. WGV6406 to baTsby made to teas R,0601ution Intention to areateLighting Instriot foumber FIVE tot further Partlealars. as 130 walook P. H. a and not . * PROOTmant ftyar Attests P# T. qolakheohto city alerk. opted this thedad, of Ootobar 1925., Apotoved this %1w Gth icy of oatober, A. :'1 . &Iormmno mayor Atteati* P. F. 4 City Mork.