Resolution 1072 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 4390 RESOLUTION NG_12L2__ A FESOLIJTION as'"matim-,, Ve 6 coAt of, lightiqg,Special Lightl.n; nistriot Nu,,,ibcr FOUR o� -the City of Kalis-,ell for the Year 1925, and levYlntand assossin�,, 911 the property within the said 11st-rict with the cost of lighting said district. BE IT IRE"SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION 1. The cost of light -ling LightinE District Number F017R of the city of Kalispell far the year 192F, is es- tima.te,,S to be $460.78 , ,S7E,0"TION 2. A tax iq hereby levied and asoessarl u)ojj all the property in tli("'� said. lighting ,Tistrict for the --°.ount of the ex"Di.matc-,-.1 cost of li4hting the streets theTein by apporti. oiling the several lots and,parcels of land withia the said district. (Reference is !,,ereby fnal.e to tl,e ri iai l,. ReiolutiorL cruch is on file ancl of record in tbie of -flee of the City Clerk for a sDecific description of the property eunibracedin the above meritioned reoolution.) SECIGN 3. The tax 1-iereby levied becomes delinquent at six o�clack Pon the 30th daY of November, 1925. ,SECTION 4. Rafexence is hereby male to the Resolution of intertion tO Crel9te Lie,,3s1ViPqx District Kumbex FOUR for further Particulars Introduced September 14th and set for hee'ring OdDber 5th at 7.30 oclock P, 1M. A. EBoorman, Mayor Attest P. F. Holzknec"t, City Clerk. VaPtel th, a t1ne 5 th day of October, 1925 Approvod this t1le 5 tl-i doy of Qcotber, 1925 A. E . Boor"Iaah, mayor Attest .P- F. Holzknecht, City Clerk®