Resolution 1070 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1RESOLUTION NO._12�L_ A FECOLUTION estlmatinE the coot of lighting Special Lighting Mstriot Number ONE Of t110 City of Xdllspell for the YOM' '1925, and levying and assessing all the property Kitiiin tile said district witli v.-.e Cost of lighting said district. B E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL: SECTION 1. The Cost of lightinLr Lighting ristrict ATurrbar One of t1he City oll' Kalispell for the year 1925 is estimated to be $ 791.04 SECTION 2. A, tax is hereby levied and assessect upon all the property in the said lighting, district for the amount of ti-,e extimated cost of" lighting the streetc,; VnehTeln by apportioning to the several lots and pa=els Of land within the said district. (Reference is hereby made to the original Resolution which ig on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for a opc ific deacTiption of the property embracend' in the above wentioned resolution.) SECTION 3. The t&x hereby levied becomes d1elinquent at six o'clook P. L. on the - II, ;Otl, day of Una ember, 1925. SECTION 4. Reference is hereby made to the Resoliition of intention to areat-le Lighting District N-u.mber ONE for pa-eticulaxs . Introd�ced Septe�mber 14th and, set for liear!Tio, October 5th t;� at 7:750 o'clock P. M. A. E. Boorman, Mayor Attest'- P. F. Holzkneclht, City Clerk. Adopted '51his tho 5th da7 of October 10127� Approve(l, this Qth 0�, Octobe-r, A� E, Boor!,iao, liayox P. J% City �