Resolution 1065 - SID 231W L R 1-, 8,') L -, j T 0 R T 1 77 F 0 T A L I R T. E T TD - 8 T R T. CT N0 - 231 31 IT IRIS',-ILVED eY T9,12, �IT� C"'j,11,10IL CITY OJP,CtJ,)1l I- VouA apQQlu". Dll'stxict !o' �7'1 1t"" cTeRted for tKe Pulpose .J:" pavin, W Naining Py alley thrmgb jhoo{ .1 i _K.'ic). T,),,,,,n-,siLc, City ,)f I , � ' , �,�a E, y i s I I , i—), �. t -� ,,- ,,. v to be, either a seven (7) inch ooac:rcte 'pale,-icy J a ,ravel base or with a two (2) ineb Warrenite-Ritulillic vmaain. surface on a t1ree (1) 00a bltmAnaas base; a'I:-%) e"ab-b'-Lse is necessary, cstch-basim, Won se';,"exs" repai.5' etc; s'a'icll improvenent L") ""—�-ade Ann tS.th ..inc'"f t.:e aortrPx":)P-'e.rt',' Wn of sai,'I Bl.:k Wayl A tho �)f Ke Blcock, draiLiE�e to be oo!'-eoted- to t""_e Action 2. Kat saYl disHict is tD t-Q tc.x..)s no! canlitimg sgecifim in Resolition INO' antitled t ": i ot <T,me irsth 1C,0�:, tu) s C")C'r'�y for fux'61:or paxticulz'2:s. Str�'te' "'Df Co"Int"-, of City A Kydipuell F. Hol7l"nevol Mer? f the City of maiwmlly Nontma, A orebcertify that the forw,oi!'JE'. is a f"111' a"a� el:' -act copy if a xesslution passed by the Oity Comwil a& aoqr"ed by the Mayor on, the Ad KY A NumAt, 1925. St- P. V Wzmmvm; - j