Resolution 1050A - SID 207D-ESOLU-TOIBT 11TO1. 1050 A ,,,F,:E1S0,TJJTT01T, levying, a tax upon all tie -pr(aWrty in 3.�,necial Im-provernent District No. 207 of the'; City Of 1 ana, f a T. the urpo.se of defraying tine cost and expensesof Inipro-Venrients made and constructed in said District in accordance with i,esolutions -mnd ordinances of tj:je City of Kalispell, 111ontana. -BB IT 7ff "N'j-E 01T-f COUITC11 CT! �11'y 07 Section 1. There io 'Ii(;reby levied and asses;,p(l to defray the cost of expenses and improveinents made: and conetrucLed in Special lwrove,ajont District No, 20'j of the City, of MOAE)ncll, iCoatraaztfi,, in ac(,orcjaijce vift.b. the resolutions and ordinances oi the, said City, ,,t tax eigudnst all pro- perty included in zu-ne District; the amount to be charged a,gainst each lot or parcol thereof bein�T, set opi,)osite the description of t,e pa-operty wid the namc of tae owner, « follows, to® wit: (Reference is hereby nude to Wiae resolution on file and of :L,eo<)rd in tiae office of the City Clerk for ei specific clesc-rip;�Aon of zhe p-operty embraced in the above mentioned resolution.) Section 2. The said taxes to be paid in five annaal installi-nQnts the first inotai,j.,yieet ai uliich shall become due and payable Upon the filiug of a Q;eytiiiea copy of t"IAs resolution in tne o-Tice; of Lhe City TTensurer of the said Clity and o13.,-J1 become d-elinquent afte-r t.'ac 10th day of Hoveaber, 1924, ar-4d twle annual inot�,111,yrients siiall t,,iereaiter become dnd aad payable on first day of Octobe, oa 0,�,Lcll yre<ax und delinquent on the 30tb ciuVy :)f' i0vo-mber in eac"t-1 year. All as Lae abu-VE, Payments beer interest at tie; rate of six jyer cerjt. annum. Introdi,.cc(i thio 1�tzi daky of October 1924and oet- fo7 hearing -Jov, 3rd., 1924, uAu 7:30 o'clock P. H. "'. T", - '3 o or [;�an , may or . Attest: P. Y. Loltknec.i-it, City Clork. Ado.pte;d this 5uh duy of 11ov. 1924. Approved l-,als 5th day of Nov eL-ubero 1924. E. P. , Holzlniecii.t, City Cj,-,,11k, Bo F State of 141ontanu County of llat�lead City of 'D�lispell. 1, P. P. holzknle-,t, Clerk of tlie Cit,, of KalioueLl, Xontariu do hereby c«,:rtify Laat Utlel fore,,,oin,is o, full, true and exact COPY Of as resolution :;a sod by tae City Council nJ,-.,d appro-ved by tce YUyor on t)].o 5"t"11 &,y of Novernbea,, 1924. pq V,'-Ltnes- my )l of' j Q,2��,