Resolution 1057 - Assessment - Sidewalk & CurbsA RESOLUTION, levying a tax upon all tiic-; property in cial Sidewalk Curb 1924-25 of tile City Of KU1is,,j(-l)., TvToj-jtAna, for the purpose of defrzr jn,, the cost -arid expenses of Improvements made and constr;Acted in saki Dis-b� rict in accordance with resolut,iono and ordinances of the City of xalispell, Mon tan&. BE, IT 1-1i'SOLYTED BY' THEW, Cil.i"Y COUJCTL OF '2111] Cl',Y OF 1aL='-NLL: Secc-lon 1. There is hereby levied and a-,ise,,,,,�;aed to defray the cost of expanses and impro7ements made and constructed in Special Sidevialk (lc, Curl,e 1924-25 of the City of Kaliopell, IJontana :,, in accordance witvl tile resolutlom and ordinances of the said City, u tax against all p-3,�operty included in the District; the amount to be charged against each lot or parcel. thereof being set o d e ra'] the owi-jer, ,pposite the discription of tftL pro an ki � Y e follows, to -wit: is kiOreby �aLde to tlie, Ori inal resolution on file. and of record in tile office of tine City Clerlfor a 91)ecific de9cii-,ption of the property emb,ra,ced in the ab,.,ve mentioned resolution.) Section 2. The said taxes to be i)aid in five annual installments the first install -lent of v7hiah shall become due and Payable uPon the filing of a certified copy of thin l-.,esolation in toe office of the City Treasurer of tne said City and siiall becoe delinqu(anL after tare �Oth day of NoveiYber 1,)25, and the alinuul inEitallyric-i'.-.,3 0114-11 tacreafte.,,° beer: ale due and payable on the first day ,lf October oi each year Faid delinquent on t,'ae 30,t.h d,�;,y of Rovembea, in each year. All of t,,ie above i-)ayments bear interest at the rate of six per ce.it. per I n tr o d,,a cc d this grad day of Febr,,Aary 192j, and set for ]Hia-rch 2aid, 1925, �,t 7 o'clock P. A. E. 1"layor. Attest: -P, F. Holzk-ioch-L', City Clark. State of Mo,:�,,canu Uounty of I'latriead City of Kali --, a]-]. I, T1. F. Holzkaecut, Cierk of the City 1' Ka-LLispell, <.'Lo tiereby cc-,,rt1fy t,iut tae f to fuLl, triao and exact copy of a resolution paosed by tha City Council and a,)praved by tae D`Layor on tare 2nd day- of .1'ebruary, 1925, �Vi t lic,3 0 Irn Y I lz in d t-h 1 E: 4 t h dMy of F ebr ua r y , 1 '2 -P. F® Hol7,k!-161Q,1'-, C-ItY Cl,,:,rk�