Resolution 1056 - Assessment - SID 225RESOLUTION QJ-9 N _5k
A RESOLUTION, levyind a tax upon all the, property in STD ciaj Iml)xove-
ment 'District No. 22of the City Of Klli3oell, UOrtana,- for tne purpose
of defraying the cost and expenses of Improvements made and constructed in
said District in accordance with resolutions and ordinances of the City of
Kalispell, 3'41011tana.
Section 1. Thereio hereby levied and assessed to defray the cost of
expenses and improve.:,,io-,nts made and conctructod in Special Improvement
j-)ist-rict 'No. 225 of the City Of .111ontana, in accordance with the
resolutions and ordinances of t',, , (,, said City, otax against all property
include,-1 in 'the District; the ainount, to be charged wZairiat each lot or
Plx-cel tacreof beinc, set the desc:ci ption of' the -Property and the
na-tue of the owner, as Iollows, to-vvit,.
(Re-ference is hereby -made to the OrIginal resolution on file and of record
in t,,e of-fice of the City Cjt.erk f,or a specilfte deocriT,)tiorj of -t:tee property
embraced in. tne above mentioned resolution. )
ST,"C-i,'TON 2. The said taxes to be raid in five annual installments
the first insballm,nt of which shall beco,-,ie due arid payable upon the filinE-
of a certified copy of this resolution in t;.ie office of t';,e City Treasurer
of the said City and shall 'oeoorie delinquent after the 30-th day of Nuvcmbei
1925, and the annual installnients shall thereafter becorrie due and payable
On the first day of October of each year and dclinquent on the 30th day
of NL)ve3,ibe--,,:, in eac.i� year. All of the above payments bear interest at
the -rate of six per cont. per arintan.
Introduced tl-iis 2nd day o-.I,' February 1925 and set for hearing March
2nd 1925, at 7 O'clock 11, U.
A. RE. Boorman, Mayor
Attest: P. F. Holzknecht, 'City Clerk.
Stateof Tdontano,
County of Flathead( SS.
City of Kalispell )
1, 2. F. Cle"Lk of tlae City of Kalispell,
Montana, do hereby certify that tile
- _l S a full, true and exact
copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved by the K'Ayor
on the 2nd day of Feb-,ruary, 1�)25.
Witne, s my ha -nd this 4th day of' February, 1,)25.
P. F. Holes echt, City Clerk.