Resolution 1063 - Resolution of Intent - SID 231RISM71IMi OF INTENTIA TO CREATE SPECIAL yTSTRICT MO. 231 BrE IT L 'TIET) ',�Y CT T'! Cil, �191 T -,-E 01 TY -,F �A 1011, SEC? C, 1a Thst it is t­ intention of tne City 0ouTjQj,j of tne Oit-�"' of K"IJ_4oeu to Cnewy a specip'L 'listTict' "'-�ereby dosQnsted as Special lmprDvement District AK 231, PA Vic bound- aries A qail pr")Pcsc''�" �sqeoinl imp'Ve""��nt are de— clared to be as folliwe: Winning at a. point Whiml is tte intersec- ti"')-.n _)f t-,-"e centerline of HOW Aven,',ae Ea c;t aun, t,ie of Fia!et Street,; t^:eaoe i.,-, n direation alw4, Um centerline of First Street tu its internection with t'­na Oell`elpline Of Firl,7t AVCiijU0 E'rlst; -.1", a -111rectim, alo�-"_" t:'e ot" Fils"t Ave",-'�e Zap't t'-) its irtersectim with t,-,e oa' secorld Street; tbence 01 na eanterly Airecti )n nlo�" t -e to it�'4 intersecticni with the aenterline seco."'11 in at northerly JAW! Da slu:V, the InntwqWe of SecondAvenue East to its intesseotion vinn ""Ian c8_nte)"Lj_-__'o )f Fixst� Stree", it"t"­'e poPA of be,hininj;, saW boundaries to r".11 of 731-ock W1, Origins! WnTite, Cit. vf SECTION 2. That the gv­e-�,sl of lt,�nv inripr ven�e.',,ts to "be me% in ssY is as C—Vll t sil,']Ley 'Rlnc. L­' Original Tow-nsiite City if Xalin ell, Aouts: a, paxwent 13 be either a "Vow (7) inch 10i,fjr00k1 00n.�rOtO ',"'ave'-A oa t,;ravcl base or witlt a two (2) incla Wearing, s'J)e'fsc'e' ",)n P. three (3) inch bita.ins"g Won and aaso .-,ravel .�,,,ub-bn,,qe v!hicln is etc.; ove �!'lit so""t'l'-. P"_'OPWAY line of t,-,e to V:je n_-,)x-th pyapeTty line of Rail Block an! Are t`e cl.:)Sswal'k at tve�nth eA of t.ie t� e 'ccconnecte,,, V-.c, gi: a- seyt Won's satem. SECTION 3. Vat the apW3ximV'�0 0­?'t :)f is 8220 0. 00 . sloTior 4. Kat tin entire cost nnS expense of sict P4n:ov0.Y1ts, irynlu0n,; street 0�1 &ley iqtersectin-i"g, l t�te entire 10tr3.ct, spat 1W it orircel 1 vvit_ hl',n "i i t) Ce assessel for t.Q part of t�v whole it`.? ".Ce'q 'C-0'817S to the Rjoa Df the Entire listriot OXOI"'.sivE"' oz -,otreets, a-loys public P1808R. 1 at said ';­JI in. five 001RI sunual lnyt&j�entm Oreby exte-n"ic"", 'Dve'r n ­"oK&Of five yemm. SW ssyesqzent Onall '_L be ,s special Mol W10"""c -.t F'an,�-7, 27,1. Section 6. That said te f )2: iri -Speclal jmpruveze& nistlict coupon ,oWarts ismem apolat seid district i'n t:'c af t bcarinij inmrast, 'n:t 6 'per frizz the date of req0tration until f")I' or ""'g-1-3, in fu',,.I, i,,­atQrost payable annaally on t e Iirst clay ,,,,f Jauu,&'y ():,' each year, pa,;able five years Koo Won n&,' redenalble at any are funle to the CrEdit of laoh IsgrMt-c-t !District PVn"tcl availe"'o"Le interest coupo:v attachma t,,7 t�.,'c,l i,'naio,­a.',ts t�:t )f the section 7. Mat on tly "3 My of Am,)Rt 192" at ne Annoil ChmWors in V,�a Cit'.�' .'f Oi�' .)f "D, 0 t c "e 7 ' 75 0 1 E` � �, - a a, I t i _n�; t tie 0 -1 't-"" "'o-o' no-1. I v'ri- �e "ir and pass upon P11 pro"st; that way be a�_'�aine t t,',a Qf rov 'I , such - - - - -n "'a%ote'�-�ts a"�:e reoeivei tv om cit: �)'a )-", fift�"e dSYS QOE the 2aZe if _"O nMM POKOOK LOn- Section 9. T 4 a 0 1 t y 01 m, -'!, i s e j-eloy A�, t i,?, a d se. „ d L. c t e d, to a Df t�e paqSp,e "�YL puL,,lica,­ 1, Ve pr -'r notic 'p C t ion 8�� FU remired by law, sya". 'Ce. in TLi,gas a j."', Cit'v of MIN sell - Passed June 6, 1125 Approvel Wo 6, 1925 P, F. Cit 0, ,.. U' I � I � . State Of, Vou,,aty i)f Fla'Ieud 3S. City, of 'el -I lHownecht, clerlr monOna, AD hexeby certify thnt na Mme_­,)ia, exact copy of 0 resol'-tL"-m passed V-_e City C')Unoil am—"u4moved by the wayor on the 6th day of Ime, 1925. Vitness my MY& -hip Off