Resolution 1055 - Assessment - SID 223M RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION, levying a tax upon all the property in Special Improv6_ went District No. 223 of the City of dalisf,ell, Ifforituna, for tile, PurPose of defraying the cost and expenses of Improvements made and constructed in said District in accordance with resolutions and or dinances of the City of Kalispell, Montana. EP, IT RES01TED BY Tlfli CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF KALJSI'ELL: Section 1. There is heroby levied and assessed to defray the cost of expenses and improvQments made and constructed in Special IITIP'rovement Dis- trict No. 223 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in accordance with the resolutions and ordinances of the said City, -). tax against all :Property included in the District; the amount to be charged against each lot or parcel thereof beinLi set opposite the description of the , ,prolk-,rty and the name oaf the owner, as follows, to -wit: (Reference is hereby mado to the Orginal resolution on file and of :record in tLe office of the City Clerk for a specific description. of the property embraced in the above mentioned resolution,) Section 2® The said taxes to be paid in eiSht annual installments the first installment of which ,hall become due and payable upon the filing of a certified copy of this resolution in than, office of the City Treaslurer of the said City and si,;all beco_a�e delinqueWL after tile 30th day of November 1925 and -tire; annual installnents, _hall the-ruafter become due and payable on U'le first day of October of each year, and delinquer.'L on the 30th day of liovembeWt. in each year. All of the abo-ve paymeat,.-,, bear intex:ezt at the rate of sir, per cents pe-r annuin. Introduced this 2nd day of February 1925 and set for hearing 2nd of March, 1()25, ut 7 o'clock -L'� 10. A, F. Boorman, Mayor Attest: i. F, llolzkneck-,at, City Clerk State of blontk-,ria County of Vlathead City of Kalispell 1, P. F. Holy ;kriecht, Ule'rk of tl-ae City of Kalispell, Viontana, do hereby c,:rtify that tie foregoing is a full, true arid exact copy of a re5ol-,).tion pa-,3sed LV tile City Collacil and upzaroved by tiae, I'Jayur on the 2nd day of February, 1,)25- Witneso my hand this 4th day ot 7ebru,,..zj,y, 1925. ifsi Z1,.nechl , City Clork. 1