Resolution 1054 - Transfers FundsRESOLUT109 NO.. 1 4 A TRANTSFH-.R1,I!\", Gill"TAIN 11111-02) IN '-P!-UCI TREASUl-,,1511. B.E IT BY '11HE Cl':"Y COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF KA-LT SELL, MOOT 113E A. SEC TI0,N 1. That the following amounts be transferred from the following Special Turproveritent District Funds to the Overpayment and Adjustment Fund, for the purpose of closinLr. the accounts with the following Special Improvement Districts, the same having been Paid out; Special Improvemert District No. a18 $20.09 115 35-30 135 226.24 159 4.25 c 2 3 , Passed this 5 day of J�.-inuary, 1925. Approved this 5 day of Tanui�,zy, 1925 A. E. Boorman, Yayor ATTE'ST P. 1'. Holkknecht, City Clerk. State of Montana ) County of Flathead( SS. City of Kalisl,,ell ) 1, P. F. Holzknecht, Clerk of the City of Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved by tile Yayor on the 5th day of January,,1925. Witness my hFz).d his 4th day of Jan. 3925. -k"'4 - 11. 1'. Holzknecht, City, Clerk.