Resolution 1052 - Resolution of Intent - SID 227m RESOLUTION NO. 92t_ Resol'tjtdon of jjjtejation to create Special Diot.rict, NO. 927, HEP, IT R-i1soL7ED BY TB7, CITY COTf!,TCIL OTCITY 01 K',_LT4�17TMI,, Sec-tion 1. That it is the jntcjjtion of the City Colmcll'l of' the city of J�viiispeli to create, a speciiul improveirlent district, hereby dcs- ignated as Sjecial Improvement j)ietrict Ko. 227 and t1lle bourldarie;s of said proposed special iM1JP0ve3-R(,aj,.t, district are hereby Jeclaxed to be ;J,s follov's: couril"Iencin-o- at z� point t,11ich ik� ti-ic jiltoi,section of the center- Jilie of. first ,,';venue East North cen-L,e;yline of, Nevuda ',3treet, thence in a westerly direction alow�- ceDterline of Nevada Street to the center line ot' Main Street; thence in a sotitherly directioli alorig the cei-itei'line oi Main `,�AZOeot to its inter2ection with - he cente-cline of California Stvect; thence in an eastc,,rly dLructi(:)ji uioxa;, the ces-iter- li-ac" of Co-1ifQTn-1-& Street to it'c'inte-rsoation 1"11 th t1ve centerline of 'First Avenue East Nortli-; thence in a nortnerly direction along the centerlille (if Pirot Avenue E,,uot to- itz, intersection with the cente'r1ine of Nevada Street which is ti'le, nointof beginning. Section That Lhe re,,eneral charactei: of the improvements -to be made in said proposed SpeCiUl Improvenert Distr-ict is as follows, to -wit: of an ei,,,h+, inch zemer vith necessary "Ys" Teeo manholes etc. in the alley of _Hock 228. Section 3. That tiie approxiriate coot of said J­morovemerte is j500.00 Section 4a That W-Le entire coot and expense ci' euch ilap-rovem.ents includin,g strect and alley in tersec ti oils, shah be aoeosed against the entire district,, e��oh lot o-r poxcel of land vithin wuch distract to be asses,,,,ed for that 1p,,;Lrt of t.1e vihole cost unich its Ewrea bears to t1le area of the entixe dit..t-f Lca,t �f zt;roe;Itz, t,lleyi� R'nd Imbl'ic "'I'acez Sect -Lori Y;. That said aosessrent ahall oe paid for in five equal an- nual in,,"taj..Imellts 1jereby extended over, o, peTiod of five years. " a, i d sea'=ient s, , aall constitute a :fund to be knomi-I as Spucial I.mpro-verleylt District 1'und lJo. 22/. Section 6. That said impro-ve,,uewts, sh�,�_11. be, paid for in Special Improvemcrit Dis tritt Coupon Ea,j,,ts j.z­_uecj e�,gaigist said. di,strict in the o'Lull of r10tl.CiC each, i-,ea3:ing iaterest <Lt 6 per cent, 1cr annum 12:01n the L date of ret"�,Jstr,-,ttlion tu_til called for reckmption car paid �r,, ­ull, inter- est payable zainually on tlue a r st d,,?,y c,,,f' jat,,uary of' each yea'r, p,,,,yable five years from date and redeemable at any time there are funds to the cred- it of such Tm 11 prove.3-Ile District "und avidlable ty-icrefor; tiie interest coupon." attached to such viarrants to bear the fac-simile the Mayor and Clerk. Section rj, That on the 1st day of December 1924 at the Council Cham- bers in the City Hall of the City of M.LI-is-pell., Montama, at 7'30 o'clock 11. AT. a regular meeting, the City Council will. I -Lear and pa,,as ul_%on all pro - teats, that mlay be made against tare making of such improve�mteyzts or the crea- tion of ouch district, providing that said f,.)rotests are made in Viriting and are filed a,;ith the city clerk on or before fifteen days afte.r the first publication, of thL� notice. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to the prOPer notice of the pass -age of this resolution by publication t�nd xuadl- irZT as required by law, such publicution to b(-.: rq-de in the K,,aispell times 'weekly newspaper published in. the City of Kali,s, _pelln Passed Way. 6, 1924_ Approved Nov. 6, 2924. A. E. Boorman, ILayor. P. 1'. Holoknecht, City CleL,k. State o", Morlt,Inu% Cr of I'latLjead (3® City of Kalispell ) I, F. F. Holz3mccht, Clerk of tho City of Milispell, tilL f regoing, full, truend act aex Yontama do _j JLY t rka t 0 is Copy of a resolutioa passed by the City Council and approved by tx.'Ie _.Mayor on the �ith day of November, 1924. Witness my hand this 22nd. cl<J_y of Jan, 1.92�i% 7 P. F. Hoiz]lbiecht, City Clerk.