Resolution 1051 - Assessment - SID 204Sal, � 5:CS _LU �,'. G in, � _.. i C1 _ 1. A hiESOLUTIONJ, lebyin> a tax uID011 �,�11 thc prope-rty in 13ie cial Impro- VeViOnt Diotrict No. 204 of the City of for the purpoaq of defraying the cost and cxpenzes of' Txnprovemeirts made and corletructed in said Diatrict in accordance with resolutiomq and ardinances of the City Of lJontana. TM IT !)ESOL'tM,I) BY THE, CITY COUNCIL CJF T!,CE CITY C11 KU 7 LL Section 1. There is hereby levied and, assessed to defray t.Le COSt Of expenser, and imp.rovememts made and constructed in Sge cdal Ifliprover,-A.e,­.,,,t Distr.`.ctl No. 204 of the, City of in accordance with the resolutloy,fs and Ordinances of tie said City, a tax againEt all property included in t,,,e D-strict., u1nount to be clmrged against each lot or parce). -thereof' bein_­ set opposit the deooriptioij of the: property and the name of the owner, ao follows, to_j,,,it: 0','efElrenceis iiereby mdo to the Or, inal resolution oll file and of record in tne olJce of the ity Clerk for a s-pecillic descziptJ.on of the proa rty embracedin the above mentioned resolution.) Seot.ion-2. The said taxes io be z),id in five aymml. installments the first installment of ot- ich elvall b ecome due and payable upon the filing, of a certified copy of this resoli)-tion in the office of' the City Treasurer of the said City and shall_ become delinquent after the 30th day of Rovember 1024, and the aruival installments shwa thereafter becoa-fie due and payable on the day of October of each year and delinquent on t10 30th day of Nove�,iber in each year. j-,11 of the above [.�Vmentq bear interest at the rate of s_ix per cent. per annum. Introdv_-,,ccd this 15th. day of October 1(/:124 and set for hearing October 3rd 1924, at 7:30 o'clock P. Boorman, li'.zycr. Attest P. F. Holzicnecht, City Caerk. ay of "d Q _0 t e this u;Ich (1, lloveiciber 1-924. P -ovo hio 5m day c)f "ovemoci 1)24. lo: d ayor A t t es t 1'. llolzknocl-it, City Clorla. t o, t C, S , of, !,i0114-ana County of '1­1,atlieud ss. City of I, P. F, 11o1zkneolA, Clerk of' tare City of KJis-,,;a,11, lJontz,x1a do hereby cei-tiJ'y that the ftsropac n«is a fall, true and exact copy of' L xecolution passed by the Citi Council and aj_)proved by tile Ilayor on tlie �pith day of Yovember, 3.924. , Wj tness my hand U tty f J 192�;. H�iyzk,Aecht, City Cierk.