Resolution 1049 - Assessment - SID 209LESOLUTION I)TO.
A L1OOLU-1110N, levyin,' a tax upon all the property in Special Improvement
Die, t:,rict !lo. 209 of tsie City of Kali:�pell, llontano, for tile purpose of defray -
in _, the cost and expenses of Improverientia made and constructed in said Dist-
,ict in accordance with resolutions and ordinances of the City of Kalispell,
B 1 -1 1,13_� E IT RI'MLVED BY V11] ClEY COUNCIL M: TIE r,11Y GI K?��
Section 1, There is �.reby levied and a,,ssessed to defray the cost of
expenses and improvements made and constructed in Special Tmprove"mont, Dist-
-,,°ict lio® 209 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in accordance 'Wi Lh the
resolutionp, and ordinanees of the said City, a tax against all oroperty.
included in the. District; the az.rLoiant to be char.ged alrainst each lot or parcel
thereof being set op.,,)osite the description of the property and the name of'
tl: owner, aj -1ollovis, to -wit -
(Reference is hereby trade to the resolution on file, and of record
ill t,"Ie C)ffice 0i t1ylecity Clerk foi a specific desc-ription of th(,, 1'�)rope-ty
embraced in Uie above mentioned resolution.)
3ection 2, The said taxer-, to t)e paid in ten annual iiistallments the
first installment of which, s1hall become due and payable upon tine filing of
a certified copy of tkiis resolat'11on in the office of' tl-ie GityTBeeisurer of
the said Ujty and skiall become delinquent after the 30th day of �November,
1924, and Lie a-nnwl shall thereafter becorie due and payable oil
the first day of October ot year and dolinqaeat on the 30 wh (lay of
November in eael-�) vear. All of the above, ,_,,ayments bear interest at the
rate of six _a-,, r cent. pee annum.
Introduced this _15th day of October 1924 and set for hearing Nov. 3rd
1924, -at '?:3() o'clock P. I&
I A T. " I oorm� . B in, Vayor.
Attest:. P. F . holzknecht, City Clei'l:.
Ado,>tcd V,,Oz 5tai day of Uovember 1.924.
App,roved this 5t_J1 dray of "Eov,�.-mber 1924.
A, -E, Boo.nnam, 161yore
,%tt!e,st: 1". 11'. HolzknoctLt, City Clerk
State of Montana
County of Flathead S.
city of '. lispell P. F. Tlol?,ki-WcUt, ClcTlc Of the Cit Y 01' � , al ' 0 Poll
do hereby certity that the foregoing is a full, true. and exact
copy of a resolution passed -by t--,e City Council ay'd al) -Proved b y the Lllyor
on the 5th d�:Ly of Nove-.I-iber, 3.924.
i t c r, s my hard thie 21st