Resolution 1039 - Tax LevyRESOLUTION 1qO. 1039. A RESOLUTION raakin,, the annual tax levy for the City of Kalispell, Montana, for t,,ie year 1924. -BE IT P-'K3OLV-QD BY TMO CITY COTTYCIL 01, TIE], CITY OF =ISP,=�,LL, XONTANA: That t,clere be levied on each arid every dollar of the assessed valuation on the taxable proerty in tAeCity of Kalisrell, Montana, for t-he year 117�24, trie follorinS amounts: General Municipal and Administrative. General Fund 8 mills 'Stx'eet Fund 3.1 Mills Park lund 'Nil I, S Library Fund 2 Mills ,,Vater Bond Interest Fund 3 Mills Bond Interest Fund ( sevier bond) -,11 T', i 11 Water Bond Sink ing l'und 21 TIills Sewer 3ond Sinkin.;-,- -,u.,,,,.d —14 i 115 Total 21 Mills. Wakiri-,,,, -a levyfor all pu2!-poscs ,,,ientioned above of 21 Mills, Adopted this 2tid day of Septernber, 1924. ij,,oroved this 2.nd day of Septe-beT, 1924. 30or.111an, Mayor Attest:P. �. Holzknee-.it, CLIty Clark. st,ate of Montaila Count,v of Platkead 3"i. City of iQ-ilisyjell 1, P. F. Hol-zin-iocht, Clerk of tiic City of KaliqTell Loritla,na, do hereby certify that the fojre90iqL; is a lull, ty.ue and (-Xact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved by t-r-,e Mayor on the 21'Id &V Of SePte1',1b(,,r, 1924. 7,fitncss my ha . .. . d 'this 19th day of Septembe-,�°, 1924- P. F. Holzknecht City Clerk.