Resolution 1037 - Assessment - Sprinkling District 1RESOLUTION NO. 1037- A resolution estirnati--n the cost of' s prinklin the streets and avenues in Sprinklin.z-, -istrict Number One of the City of Kalis.Pell., Montana, within the said districts. with the cost of sprinkling, the streets and avenues within said district. BF IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 719,0 CITY OY KALISPELL: Section 1. The cost of sprinkling the streets al-ld avenues in snrinklin- district Number One of t�'ae City of Kalispell, 11ontana for tae year 1924, is estimated to be $1476.00. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon -all. the prop rty in said ':)prinkli-nf,� :District for the amount of the estimated cost of Spriukliny the streets -and avenues therein, being apportioned to the several lots and parcels of' land within the said district, us follows, to -wit: (Reference is hereby made to t1ac orjgia&,j resolution on file and of record in tare office of ti-le City Clerk for a specific description of the property enbr aced in the above mentioned reoolution.) section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six olclocic P, yn- on the 30th day of November, 1924. Section 4. Reference is hereby made to the esolution of Intention to create Sprinklin,a; D' istrict Number CITE for further particulars. Intro a arced this tne 2nd day of September, 1924 and set for hearing October 6th, 1.924, at 7:30 olcl,,,rk P. 11. A. E. Boorman, Mayor. fittest: P. F. Halzkneclit, City Clerk. Adopted t1jis t-qe 6th day of October, 1924. Approved this t"_ne 6th day of 19P4 A. E. BOORHAX, lvllayor. Attest: P. F. Holzknecht, City Clerki State of lrionl11'11 la Uounty of ,11 tilead SS. Uity of Kali2j)ell ,I, P. F. Hol.-knecht, Clerk of tine City of Kalispell Talon pax a , Ao hey �,,by certify tliat the foregoin.-I is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution pas:,ed by the city council aml Apprbved by tile mayor on tiie 6th day of October, 1924. witness; my hand this 'nth day of October, 1924. P. F. Holz:,rqiecht, City Clerk.