Resolution 1043 - Resolution of Intent - SID 226I
HE 37---,-
Section 1. , y'hat it is t.;e intention of the City Council of' the
Lity of to create a -special imiarovement district, hereby
designated as Specic.1 Improvement District Igo. 226, and the boundaries
of said proposed srec,Jal district are lierebydeclayed to
be as follows: starting,, at a point which is the intersection of the
centerline of First Avenae Bast and the centerline of First Street; thence
in a westerly direction along tl,,ie cen-terlinc of First Street to the
centerline of Tzain Street; thance in a southerly direction along the
centerline of 1ALain Street to 't.he centerline of Second Stre%--t; thence
in an easterly direction along tho cer-terline of Second Street to the
centerline of iirzt AvQnue East; thence in a no:i,therly direction
along the ceiiterlirle of 1"irst Avenue East to the centerline of
,Vir2t Street, which is the Poirlt of beginning.
Sectior), 2. , Yhat t1j,e gej:jeral CIIL.Lracter of tjje, jm,aI,ove.-�!cnts to be
made in said 1.,�ropozed Special Improveirent District is as follows, to -Wit.
grading, draining, installation of catch -basins etc., paving and all
other work necessary to t1ae paviig, of ti,�e alley of Block 45 Orin;inal
Townsi,.-c, CLt,y of Kalispell, Iiiontana, vrith. either seven inch rein-
forced concrete on a gravel base or a two inch 1,7arrenite-Bitulithic
wo,arine, surface on a three inch bituminous base or a combination of the
two types.
Section 3- That the aiqzoximate cost of said imI,)xDvemeMt9, is
Section 4. ".hat the ey-Itive cost ari.(i exi,pense of ssch improvements,
includin; street and alley intersections, shall be assessed against
the eritire �I.istvj.ct, each lot odistrict
parcel of land within such
to,be assessed for that part of t,io whole cost w1aich its area bears
to the area, of tle entire district exclusive of strecAs, alleys
and public places.
Section 5. '2,hat said az-scssmcnt shall be paid for in five e0MLI
annual installments hereby extended over a i per; od of five yea ,s .
Said assessment zqkiall constitute a, fund to be knoiH,,n as Special
Improvement District Fund No. 226.
Section 6. "hat said hkprovements, shall be paid for in Special
Improvement District Coupon Warrants issued against said district in
the sum of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per cent. per annWr
from the, date of registration un-�,il called for 32edeription or paid in
full, interest payable annually on the first day of January of each
year, payable five years f rom date and redeemable at any tir,,,ic thelle
are flared to the credit of such Impro-�rel,,zent )istrict Fund available
therefor; the interest coupons attached to ouch vvu,raitts to bear
the fac-simile signatui-es of' the Mayor and Clerk.
Section 7. That on the 6th day of Uctober, 1924, at the Council
'hu,nbers in the L;ity Hall Of the City of Kalisllell, 1',i011ttana, at 7:---',,G
o'clock P. U., a xeCular meetin3r, the Uity Council will hear and pass
upon all protests that )ak-4y be made against the of such improve-
ments or the creation of such district, r_)rovid.ed said pro-Lests are made
in writin.,., z=.nd are received by the City Clork within fift,en days after
thedate of the first publication of this notice.
Section 8. 'he City Clerlz is 1,,ereby authorized and directed to give
the proper notice of the passage of this resoli.,,.tion by publication and
mailing as required by law, such publication to be nade in the Kalispell
Times a weekly newspaper,,_publishcdln the �;ity of Kalispell.
Passed September 9th, 1924.
`approved September 9th, I924.
A. R. Boorman, rLayor
P. P. Holzkricclit, City Clerk.
State of Montana
County of' Flatilead SS.
City of Kalispell
T-, P. 1:1. Holzknecht, Clerk of the �°ity of Kalispell
—ontana, do hereby certify that the foregoin��, ir, a full, true and
exact ooy�y of a resolution passed by the City Ccuncil and appDoved-
by the mayor on the 9th, day of September, 1.924.
IV itnei;s my hand this 19th day of September, 1924.
P. F. Holzknecilt, City Clerk.