Resolution 1045 - Insect Pest Control PaymentRESOLU"ION TITO, lo4-5
A RESOLUTIOR provldinEx for the payment of' exponse incurred by
the City of Kalispell in connection with t�le JNSECT PT(;ST COT\TVR(,1L the season of 1924, as provided A by Ordinance No. 375 of the
City of Kdgspell, Mlontana.
SECTION 1. Whereas t-ie provisions of Ordinance No- 375, of
the City of Kalispell, entitled, "An O-rdinunce p:rovidin-- for the
creation of insect )est control districts and making mundatory
the use of eradication and oon'6-rol measures within the ar�,-a of
such prescribed district or districts", and 'which provides that
the expense in connection t-aerewith shall 'become a lien against
ti'Le-p-roperty upon which thecontrol measures were used and sliall
be sprea,d upon the tax rolls of the city;
SECTION 2. Therefor, be it hereby resolved, that the follow-
in-c, owners of t-ae prbjOrty described opposite the-!.T respective
nw,iez be notified by tiie City Treasurer that the s3xaounts set for th
below are now due and payable to the City of ashaving
been actually expended by said City in carryiyz�; out Insect Post
,,ontrol measures for the year P)24.
('B,eference is nereby made to,the Oril�,,,-inal resolution Oil file, and
of record in t-,ie office of the Cit,,, Clerk for a specific deoqription
of the property en�braced in the above mentioned resolution).
SECTION 3. The amoutits hc-e�,J.n set forth become delinqu
rat six o'clock 1). m. on the 30thday of HovembF,,r, 1924.
SECTION 4. The monies collected under the provisions of this
resolution shall be paid in to tie Street Fund, swne having been
disbursed from z-aid Fuad.
Introduced t4is 6th day of October, 1924. and set for 'aearino
1924 at o'clock '11.
I ,'�,tte A. 11, Boorman, Mayor
st- P. F. 1olaknea.'rit, City I e�rk.
Adopted this; the 1924.
1g,,)roved "Uisthe 194,
Attest: 11'. Aolz.1cnec'()t, City Clerk.
State of Yontana
County of Flathead SS.
City of K,Id.spcll
I, P. P. Holzknecat, Clerk of the City of Kdlispell,
Montana, d1c lAereby, certify that t1le foregoing is a full, true and
exact co-py Of a resolution !.,assed by the City Council and approve-d
by the IiIa"vor on tie 1.924.
Witness -my hai-id this 1924.
P. F. H,,)Izkiec',It, Qity.Clerk.