Resolution 1044 - Assessment - Maintenance District 1R'MSOLUTION 110, 1044.
A RESOLUTION estimating the cost of maintaining the improve,,,,ients
in L Latenance Dist�'ict Fo, One of t.o City of Kalispell- for the
year 1924, and levying aad assessing all tree property within the
said Distr-`ct with the cost of maintaininbr such improvements.
Section 1. , The cost of maintaining the improvements, in
Maintenance District No. I of the City of Kalispell for t1leyear 1924-
is estimated to be $4,15q.6o.
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the
pToperty in said maintenance district for tie amount of the estimated
cost of maintaining thoimprovements therein, bein_g ap-portioned to
the sereral lots and paxcels of land within the said district as
(Reference is hereby made to the original resolution on file aad of
record in the office of tie City Gle-xk for a spec-ific description
of the property embraced in the above meatioiied resolution. )
Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six
0 tcl ook p. m. oin the 30th day of November, 1924.
Section 4. Reference is horeby made to the Resolution of
Intention to create LLinteriance D-, trict No, One for further
Introduced this the 15th day of September, and set foa, hearing
October 6th, -at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
A, :Pf,. Boorr.,Lan, Mayor
Attest: P. F. 11olzknecht, City Clerk.
Adopted this 6th day of October, 1924.
Approved this 'ale 6th day of October, 1924.
A. E. Boorman, ILayo3-.
1". Holzknecht, City Cle,2k.
County (>f lllathead
Uity. of Kalis-��ell.
I. P. F. Holz]--,mecht, U -erIz al �' the �ity of Kalispell_,
Montana, do hereby certify that the, foregoing , is ,,. full, true, and exact
copy of a resolution passed by the Council and a<q)roved by the Yayor
on the 6th day of October, 1924.
Witness my hand this 7tb day, of October, 1,924.
P. F. Holzknecht, Ci,lly Clerk.