Resolution 1044 - Assessment - Maintenance District 1R'MSOLUTION 110, 1044. A RESOLUTION estimating the cost of maintaining the improve,,,,ients in L Latenance Dist�'ict Fo, One of t.o City of Kalispell- for the year 1924, and levying aad assessing all tree property within the said Distr-`ct with the cost of maintaininbr such improvements. BF IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE CITY OF KALTIS-PLLL: Section 1. , The cost of maintaining the improvements, in Maintenance District No. I of the City of Kalispell for t1leyear 1924- is estimated to be $4,15q.6o. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the pToperty in said maintenance district for tie amount of the estimated cost of maintaining thoimprovements therein, bein_g ap-portioned to the sereral lots and paxcels of land within the said district as follows: (Reference is hereby made to the original resolution on file aad of record in the office of tie City Gle-xk for a spec-ific description of the property embraced in the above meatioiied resolution. ) Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six 0 tcl ook p. m. oin the 30th day of November, 1924. Section 4. Reference is horeby made to the Resolution of Intention to create LLinteriance D-, trict No, One for further particulars, Introduced this the 15th day of September, and set foa, hearing October 6th, -at 7:30 o'clock P. M. A, :Pf,. Boorr.,Lan, Mayor Attest: P. F. 11olzknecht, City Clerk. Adopted this 6th day of October, 1924. Approved this 'ale 6th day of October, 1924. A. E. Boorman, ILayo3-. 1". Holzknecht, City Cle,2k. County (>f lllathead Uity. of Kalis-��ell. I. P. F. Holz]--,mecht, U -erIz al �' the �ity of Kalispell_, Montana, do hereby certify that the, foregoing , is ,,. full, true, and exact copy of a resolution passed by the Council and a<q)roved by the Yayor on the 6th day of October, 1924. Witness my hand this 7tb day, of October, 1,924. P. F. Holzknecht, Ci,lly Clerk.