Resolution 1036 - Resolution of Intent - SID 224RESOLUTION, NO. 1036.
NO. 224
Section 1. Tll,.,,,t it is the rote ntli-orl of City Council of the
City of Kalispell to create a special imj)rovec,,ient district, hcreby
desigpialted as Special Impiovez,,iont District No. 224, and the �)oundaries
of said proposed special improve.,.uent dist:r,,ict are hereby declared. to
be as follows.- Startimat a point which is the ii,,iter-,-ection of the
cnnterline )f' Bailroad street and thc Centerline of tae al -ley between
Main Street and first Averal.;L4,, f-,hence, in a rezte-ly direction
aloqthe centerline, of Railroad -")treet to itc intersection with the
oentpullne of the alley between 14ain Street ra.rad First Avenue 'Yest; thence
in a dire Ct ion - the cent erline, of this allc-y to its
intersection with the cen.terline of Yourth Street; thence in am easterly
direction aloe the the centerline of Fourth Street to its intersection
with the centerline of the ailey between Main Street and First venue
East; thence in a, Dort.aerly direction along the centerline of this
allye to its intersection with the centerline of Railroad Strcet Which
is the poj-nt of beginniag,.
Section 2. Thaat the, _enena,l cnarac;c,, of th.e improvements to be
made in said propnaoc! Special 1myzovement District is as fojloj,�Ts, to -wit:
Resurfacing of 1,=,in Street from Railroad otr.gat over tae existing
pavement with one and oneOulf inchcs of bitumi-nous, z,,urface material,
ernbodyin�n, a preparation of the surf"ace, repadrs to sanrle,
fhmhcwAiq4 amuse, sand course, amlling ate.
section 3. That the approximate cost of said improve-mento is,
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements,
including street and alley intersections, shall. be assesoed ageinst the
esitire diotrict, each lot or parcel o-,' land within such di"_trict to
be assessed for that part of tlao whole cost i7hic!) its area bems to the
area of the entire distKat exclusive of street, alleys and public
Section b That said assessment sh,_11 be padJ. _'oar in eigilat
equal, Qnnaal Lnotallaents hereby extendsd over as, period of eiE,;�14t ,�ears.
Said assess,,acn.t shall constitute a find'to be lkn(nrin as Spec-LJ Improve-
ment Di,,,itriot Fund No. 224.
Section 6. That said imjf..)rover-iients shall be 1.aaid for in
Tmprove.,icnt Dist,_-iot Coupon Warrants issued a,-P _,ainst said district in the
Sum of %1,'3O.00 each, bearin,,-, inte:rest at '6 ),.)er cent. per annum from the
date of reg ,��i3tration until called for redampt.ion or paid in, inter—
est payavle annually an the flat day of January of each year. p;_,,yable
eight years fron date and redeemable oct any time thex-,e are funds -to
the credit of such' Impr We= nt It'und availabl.e, tnca4efor; the
interest coupons Mtaciwd -a such via.-Y,rants to beer the fac-simile
sjgajat,,jj,es of the 111,ayor %nd Clerk.
Section 7. That on the 2nd day of Sep&mbor 19N , at the "ouncil
Chambers in t..ue �ity Hall of the Qtxy of MA is;oell, Montana, at 7:30
o'clock P. L, , a i�e�g!ular the 0,-,ty CQune.41. rill --nd pam,
u1pon all protests brat may be rnude the of such improvza—
ments oz- the creation of nuch p-.ovicled tbL,t said protestr, are
,,vade. in writing within fif een dugs after the fiLzt publication, of this
,er,i-i op T11c City Cle.r1c, 's ,'Lc---eby uutbniizod ',Ind directed to
zive Lhe proper not-iQe of' tae paoonqge of this resol,11,Aor. 'by publication
and as requ`zed. by law, such publication to be made in the
Daily Inter Lake a daily nevm-pa.P(--,r published in t?le City of
Passed, Plu,,,�,�ust 15th, 1924.
Approved August 15, 1924.
COUAFTY C.F -,IAT�01,13)
!I. B- Boorman,
P. V. Tlolzkneceit, Citir Clerkm
1, P. F. Holzkuecht, C!eY,k of the City of' K,1,0. i opell,
Montana do hereby certify that the foreg ,oir,,, :is a full, true and
ex act, copy of a .resolution passed by titre City Council ,azid a�),Proved
by the Yayor, of' the City of K lispell, Psontaria on Vie 14th dry of
jlu�?;ust, 192-1—
Witrue so my hand j- 7u 92
23L,� d�,V Of i4lsst1
P. F. llc,)Izlcy�6 �Z'A, Cdty Clerk,