Resolution 1041 - Resolution of Intent - SID 225P21SOLUTION NO, 1041
1,esolution of' Intention to Create SI-ecial Improvement District .3To.
Section 1. ihat it is the intention of the City Council of the City
of Kolispell to create a special improvement district, hereby designated
as Special Improvement District No. 225, and the boundaries of said
proposed special improvement disti.,ict are hereby declared to be as follows:
starting at a point which is the intersection of the centerline of First
Avenue East North and the centerline of California Street; thence in
a westerly direction along the centerline of' California Street to its
intersection with the centerline of Plain Street; thence in a sout-2.ierly
direction along the centerline of ITain Street to its intersection with
the centerline of Washington Street; thence in an easterly direction
along the centerline oflWaohin,1-ton Street to its i-ritersection and th the
centerline of First Avemle East 11orth; thence in a nortlierly direction
alonj� t_ae cezAer1iiic of First Avenue East Rortil to its i.-itersection
with the centerline of CaliforniaStreet which is the point of begining.
Section 2. That the general character of ,tie improvenionts to be
made in said proposed Special Improvement District -is as follows, to -wit:
the installation of an ei, �ht inch sewer togetior with "Ys" "Tees" man-
holes, flushtanks, lampholes etc. said sewer -to exte-lad nort,.erly from the
present sewer nanhole on 'iffashiag ton throuh the alley of Blocks 232 and
231 California Street.
Section 3. -'hat the approximate cost of said improvements is $1300-00
Section 4. That t1qe entire cost and expense of.. such ira-prove-,ents,
inc1Lding street and alley intersections, shall be assessed against the
entire distiict, each lot or parcel of land within such diati,ict to be
asjeo,,ed for that -,,,art of t.cie whole cost which its area bears to the area
of the; entire district exclusive of streets, alleys and publ.1.0 1jaces.
Section 5. That said assessment shall be paid for in -Live equal
annual installments hereby e��Aended over a period of five years. Said
assessment shall constitute a fund to be known as cial Trr%)rov0,,,.,q6A
Dist._,_Jct Fund No. 225.
Section 6. That said improvements shall be paid for in Sl ecial
Ijk,,)ro,ve�T �nt Djstrj ct Coupon Warrants issued against said district in the
,L - -
stun of $1A.00 each, bearing, interest at 6 per ceit. ;.per annum from the
date of registration initil called for redemption or paid in full, interest
payable annually on first day of Jzmuary of each year, payable five
years from date and redeemable at any ti.Zlle tliei,e are funds to the Credit
of such Iraproveyalent 'Jis trict Fund available tiierefor; theiriterest
coupons attached to such warrants to bear the fac-simile signat-a-res Of the
Mayo and Clerk.
Section 7. That on tiie 6tli day of October, 1924, at the Council
hambers in t.,ie City Hall of tile City of Kali eij, Montana, at 7:30
o'clock P. IA, a regular meetin,, the City Council will hear and pass
upon all protests that iriay be made against the making of' such 4 MproVe, nt
or the creation of such di strict, :provided that said protests are
received by tie City Clerk not later than 'fifteen days after the date of
the i irst publication of this noLioe acid nade in writing.
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized arid directed to give
the proper notice of' the passar e of this, resolution by publication
and mailin.-, as required by law, such publication to be Mde in the
Y—alispell limeo a weekly newspaper published in t1le Oity of Kalispell.
'Passed September 2nd, 1924.
Approved Septem-ber,2nd, 1-��24.
A. r,,. BOOTIL%N, VV-Yro-
1). 1. Holzknecht, City Clerk.
State of Mon u,,,ulla
County of I , I ot Le ad S.
"ity of LalJsi,eil
P. F. lloizknecht, Clerk of the, City of Kalispell
Montana, do horeby certify that tlie foregoing is a full,, true and
exact copy of a resolltion passed by the City Council a-d approved
by tale Mayor on the 2nd (Jay of 3epta-mb9i:1924.
Witneoz my hand this 19th clay of September, 1924.
P F. Holzi2ifil-t
City Uierk.