Resolution 1030 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 33LZML=� Z-O—
A , "'.,,SIOYAUTIO aatl.mL;tuy too coot W min lkyltintv apencla).
Yotrict ThvaQwTHIIAY-THRXE of VAO CIA,,�,, �,4 Ifor t1w,
yvar 1981, and w1owasim""", �11 t--c; VIIIAID
Us ould di0tv"'Ot TWL."I taa Oost 01 11, s"Id eAJ.Ot:,I'-,Ot*
MR A 1 wommNO �Xr 51",�Y'I "Tilt
section 1, Tiw Coot 02, 1 1,;Ilt, ill,,,; District 31uAb"r
T H Tl� of tu CAP Uuj�poll itir Viq yat"* 1-1-)�24 to aetl-
imted, to bO $198-00
300timm 20 A tux 10 nerebv loviod OxId azoasoad uIvyl JA the
px'0A,-,qCwtY in Vao uAd district for 'Um wmou; �t at U40
00timstod toot 01 liahtin! the etracts tnexeln IV wpportiouin4
to t-v uevery , lot* tuld �vwoelu oX un"w;"; tl"A.'A dletrict*
(" '01,01-o-'ve in 14TCAO�;, �% do to t-o ,xi -Im I Imeolution vililah
to on Silt, ar'd ,:4 rocord In V,,6e 01fice ai V"I-O Qlty Clerk it�w
a upeollic d0owiption of tno -,wopmty etahruoed In tt4bove
,10fatlorled resoli'Ition.)
NOW deIIuquOvIt �,4
3, herak lawled bmo�
'10# 3"'1* on U10, 2w'l of Novo,''Ibex,# 1,)Q'4#
','mlotlon 4# vrr:dc �,o tue 0130111tion of
Vtontion to Ovento IA;- , ,:,Abe,,j -t ',;U r THII,-TY-THP-,!,E
I'Or I xt,,'iox p,.ztiQtauxS.
IntroduoOd $Optc�",bft, un-, oet ica, (,.,v�obev 6U%
tax ?t3O Oclook Pa U#
A. 14 Boarymm, Ik4pw#
Attoott ?* i� imIzVeont, city Clark,
doptea oioatobe , ig
—,,wc,med ta sad 6V',I -,d: yof 00tabox 0
Ateat:* " !* O"Ay clark.