Resolution 1046 - SID 225RE,.',OLU`',,-'TON No. 1046 Resolution Creatin,, Special Tmproveme�it :per t-rict No. 225 Be it, Resolved by t-re City Council of' t'ne City of Kalizpell, llvlont,,ma: Section 1. That Special. lmpiove-aunt District No. 225 'Ls here- by created for tne 'purpose ol" jnstalliri4 an eidit, inch sewe'r togethe'.C., with I'Ys" "Tees" manholes, flush -tanks, lamp -holes, etc. said sewer to extend northerly from the -f,)reseyjt sewer, mtnhoje on %Vashinzton Street thl:ou�jm the alley of Blocks 232 and 231 to California Street. Section 2. That said district is created s-abject to all, the tern's and condi tion3 specified in Resolutiorl No. 1041, entitled "Resol- ution of Intention to crelat6.1 Special Liaprvvement District No. 22511, adopted September grad, 1924, to which refei.,emce is hereby made furtner .L.)4rticula-rs. ,sq ed Oc�ober 6th, 1924. Approved October 6th, 1924. A. 'Eal . B o o 37 , JJ ay o r . P. F. Holzknec-'a[r, City, Cjc;I,k. State ofYjantana County ofJ?lat]head s3. City of Kali,Jpell I, P. F. Holzkylecht, Clerk of t,o City of' Milispell, Montr-,i:ia do hc-lveby cc,,rtify tnat t.,,ie, i'o rue I 1 3: e oi., is a full, t n exact copy of a resolution passed by the City and approved by the 'Mayor ozj the 6th d,-,,y of October, 1924. Witneso my aaa.nd this 21st day of jan, 1925. P. Holes neciit, CJ ty, Clerk.