Resolution 1011 - Resolution of Intent - Special Lighting District 39RESOLUTION 140. 1011. RESOLUTION OF I1P77i'TION TO CR1PAT7-_] SREICIAL LIGHTING DIST1r_,ICT .3-111 IT ICISOLVED BY TIU.i CITY (,(,)IJ'NTCIL 01.1 T..,-B CITY OF KALIS,-TLPLL, 11011,1"TANA: Section 1. That it is Vne intention of the City Council of the City Of Mulispell to create a special im�lrwovement LiujitirieT District hereby designated as Special Improvement Li,-htirj_ District N 3, for tac pur-L,,osc of lighti.,ag First Street from Main Street to First Avenue East of the City of' Kalispell as follows, to -wit: from the east property line of Main Street to the Iffest Troperty line of 1"irst Averillo 17,,Ist, the System of lighting to be four (4) Posts of two hued -red fifty (250) Qandle Power each. Section 2. That the boundaries of such -,proposedSpecial Improve- ment Lighting -L'istvict are as follows: commenacin&,,; at a point on the centerline of Main Street v-1-iich is 58 feet north of its intersection wiUi tbe centerline, of first Street; thence in a southerly direction La on�,.� S un , tine., centerline of V�,,in Street for a, di t­ ce of 116 feet; thence in an easterly direction along the south property line of Lots 24 rind I. of: -block, 45 Ori,�ariU�a,l Tovnisite to the .centerline of Yirzt 1� venue i��ast; thence in a nortinexly direction along the centerline of First Avenue East for a distance of 116 f'ect; thence in a westerly dir- ection alon, tile north property iine, of Lots 12 and 13 0" lock 36 OriE irx,ul TownBite to the, centerline of 14ain Street which jg the point of beginning. This d.istrict to include zA1 of Lots I and 24 of Block 45 and all of Lots 12 and 1.3 of 2lock 36 both blocks being, in the Ori�,�I'irual Tornsite, City of Kalioi._�Cll, $ection 3. That the general character of the improvements to -be made; in said proposed special improvement Li,,-Shtin1District is as follows, to -wit: the procuring rand erectin__- of posts, wires, laMPS ary applilxices, f , t pur 0'e f and ot.,ner sul bab,.L,e ,3nd necess, 01 i� p s 0 iightila,), those --parts of' tlle -averail.os, streets public hi"h. of tlieCity of Kalis!)ell hnr'elnlbof'ore described. Section 4. That the approrimate estimate of' the cost ol" the improveunonts to be made in tile S= 0:r $?�.00 i,-3er lot i; er vionth and an approximate estjute of, the cost of maintu.iniqlr thc fig' hts in the proposed district eind supplyins eleCtlriCaAl CU_CVo.Ut tlierefoT for th-c first year is t,.ne oixm of ;'P144.00 turd three-fourt-ris of tile cost shall be, asseorjed ugailmt tklE-,pT0.)eTty enbraced %,ithin tkic di�t3'ict abuttim,?,; �-iz uoh First Street, Between Main Street and, 1, ,,st Avenue East. SeQtiori 5. That ort tile 2nd cdl Gept. 1924, a,,t tag: Council '4humbers, in the City Hall of' tnc Cj,y Kz,a,lispejj, a,sevom th,ty Q1-v1QQ,X p� xal j,cpj��r mQQjiio,� t1jo Qjty �1�iAr (�W P0,00 upon p1-011-eotf3 t.-'11�:.�t Inay be ruade a-airist the makinof such im.prove-1 menu 01, tile creat,ion of Such OL""t'rict. 2ection 6. The (;i-,,',y Clerk is hor-by aut.,lorized directed to give tr,to pa oiler notice of tbe DvS05,19e of this X'Eloolution by Publica- tion and as required by 1,aw, such publi-cation ',o be .,made '111 th.c Times a weakly news ex-, pnblished in t1ic,, ity f C Passed this tne 24t-u day cA' Aug.ust, 19211-, Approved thi; tine 14-th day of' i�-unjust, 1924. A, -fl— Boorman, Tauyar, 1'. 11olzknecht, Ciu-y C.1.,erk, S v TPM, 01' 001TITTIf `)F FLATJM—I�D S3. CITY OF KALISIPELL I, P. F, 1To1zkneca_ Cleric of tit City o, Kaii2;j,,on, Montana do hereby certify that the foa-egoj,filg lJo, a f1,111, tree and exact copy of a resolutioa pa.*Ped by the City Comicil and approlred by tr-tc T,,,Tayor of the City of an the 14th dikl,/, of Aue ,,ust, 1924. Witness viy dand )h.# 15th r sy of Axv,u-st, 1924. P. F. HoIZIFOVckat, City Ciei-k.