Resolution 1034 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 37A 1"%eaolution estimatin6 the cost oi 1i,,1,ht1ng, 131aeoial Lif,,,hting
Diatrict ITIvr,00r THII,ITY-31"VEX of the its of for the
year 1924, as and ansessin,,,,, d. I the Property vithin
the said district with tile cost at lightlnC said district.
11111,; IT EHS0LY,,,t1,T,) BY CT'7Y COUNCIL 'IMt � CITY (D"'
Section Is The 000t, of' li,-htrim' Llgiltin�, District Nwmbow
"HITH TY- &EVEN oi the City of IL,lispell for the yevi, 3 ;"p24 is
eatisated to be $99-00
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon .all the
property in the otid lig,wark,; district for the amount of the
esti+ ted cost of U-,� U Ya ag Jitinf-', the streets Vi�,rei b x; ortioni
to the, several of and -mirciols of lwaq�, vithin the said diotrict.
(Leforance Is hercbj- �,=de to tkie tsIlich
is on file and of record in tac,, office of tlia City ask ior
u upecific description of tine propexty embraced in the Lii ove
montioned resolution.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied boco;-4s delInquant t,,,.t
six o'clock P. M. on the j0th d,�,y of Fovc-ibei�, 1924*
Section 4. Refernace is acroby rind e to the Ypsolt-tion of
i.,,,tention to Great e Llgiting District Nuvibew THIETY-SEVIEMT
for furt.ner particulars.
Introduced September 2nd -ad act for hearinf.., octo'b= 6th
zlt 7130 Ole 00k P.
, Ittest: 11. 2"'. 1,1010kneaht, City Clerk.
Adopted t1,41z, tiw 6t1i day of ow,ober, 1924.
Approved this the kit of Ge;tribe r, 19,-4.
A. 4'3, Boorman,
'Attest: P. 1, ". Holsknecht, City C C. r1c.