Resolution 1031 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 34MI
nI301,u'llou Nn. 1031
A. EESOLUTION estimatin--, t1he cost of ligAtin-c-Special
DLstrict llu:,ber THIRTY-FOUR of the City of Kz-,tlispell for the
year 1924, axid levyint-Ir and assessin-,,, li the property, the
said district with t'he cost of li,-I-hting ovi d district.
Section 1. The cost of Lighting District Nui,iber
THIRTY--FOM of tie City of Kalispell for the year 1924 is
estimated to be $124.80
Section 2. A tcs?,x iq ii-.tereby le -vied and aoresoed upon zJl the
property in the said lightinS- district fol, the amount of the
estimated cost of llightin,n; the streets t'ioreirl by appcn.,tioning
to the several lots and parcels of land within the said district.
(Reference is nereby mdde to the original Resolution which
12 an file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for a
se-poific description of tl�e I)roperty embraced in t-'ae abo,vc
mentioned resolution.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied beco.miet delinquent at
i ,six o'clock P. U. on t'.r0 30th day of November, 1924.
Section 4. heference is hereby made to the Pvesoll-_tion of
intention to create Ligh 4, inS District Nu.),.,Aber TTH MTY-FOUR for fz)rt'lier particulars.
Introduced September 2nd and set for hoari)Licr October 6th
at 7:30 Oc clock P. It.
A. E. Boorman, Mayor.
Attest:. P. 1� Holzluicc'-rit, City Clerk.
Adopted this the 6th day of October, 1924.
Approved this the Bath dray of October, 1924.
A. Clayor.
Attest: P. F. Holzknecht, City Clerk.