Resolution 1018 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 13A es-tiiz,,-tin -, tliie cost of Speci,,Ll Li � ting
I L.,h
Diotrict I:fuziber TH-TIRT,'I'M oi the City a X-liopell for
theyear 1c)24, and levyio�,r, i assesslnli, ,-21 the prol,,)erty 1Uthin
tied aiotriot witii tkie coat of I jitin�7 i_ diatriet.
Sedtion 1. The cost of li.-liting Lightint! Diatrict hunter
THEE :--,QT of' the city of &,,liopell for the yeox 1924 iz esti-
mated to be 'IP435. 00
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the
property in the 8"id U'rhting dioUiet for the 4MOUrlt of the
estimated cost of the otreeto tierein by apPortioning
to thc sever,,,..1 lots and parcels of Iaad within the said district.
(Reference ic hereby made to the original Ttesolution which
is on file Lmd cLf record in the office of the, City Clerk for
a specific description o:f titer 'izoperty embraced In the above
mentioned resolution.)
Section 3. The t," hereby levied beaomea delinquent at
Dix O'clock P- IA-, on gees, 30th daY of Novenbe:c,. 1)24.
Section 4. Beference is Iiereby ;-,iade to tae 1,,esol tion of
intention to oronte Dictitict Nu,--ber 'TAT, I'`-]Y
1:0r furtaer purticul;-Xs.
Jiltroduced Sire teaiber 2nd set 1ur October 6th
at 7:30 o0clock P.
Attest: ;�. 1'. llolzknecht, �;ity Clork.
Adopted uiiz une 6th day .1 October, 1024.
Approved this t4e 6th duy of 0 ctober, 1)24.
I A 1
, - I Bournar -1 i. -yC9.
Atteat. P. 1-. Holzi-,neoUt, City Clerk.