Resolution 1020 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 15Outl"VU,31, 00.,ut 01 Autriet Wxyr FIFTMEN Q� Vx GIt"', oX 1�44poll I'M Uleye,"T QW, Laid IWYL,�; c'n'd uoueuzl,, H JL ,,,Wo-")Crty Vithift the said Awbiat Ww"i tile wat of Z'1111!1:11'111�",) 3y 01,17- G 7V 860100 1* The cost A light0g,g '11m-lbor FIFTEEN 01 the al (A' Im UO, ,,mcr 1924 lu eatto mutOd to be 1373-00 section 2* A tupt is Aarolumy levied t, W arweaced U-,-,sou u"11 Vac, propexty In W naid QYA1,; distaAct tar tia,* emourA of the COMMA Onot of the Otreato taexuin by Vag-,.s " ioultic", to, the 0over"I Iota WA 1=0010 at laz'ld withIn the Oai4 dictriet" (Lefor,0110?rebyw aw ,sir 14001'ation WIWI It on I Ile i,�gid kif r000rd in tip-: offloo oiC Ux. Cit,,� Clowk t(w, a specific decoription ol" tiw,,, ,,,wqj)*rty embwaaad In tlic vi&bDve rxq"%tJ'Ow�.,d Actlan 3* T1,10 U&m 10v,,' I be, t C t aix 0*010OU PO U.0 Foil tLic 'JOW1 luzr od, �10vawtberx ',"eetlmi 4o in iitrx(lby ,,,zda to the 1,0001 tlwrl of intorA4,M12 tO OT(I"AC -4=10% OM.bCV FIFTMEN" introduced 2nd on. act Ini, Ootobor 6th ut 7:30 0#01oo'k 1, A A # Must: �. 1* 1101,ol'u'voc"'It, �;ity Cler""'t. Ado.ptmd tim k1i ti,,q7 octoomr, thia Uxe 6ta dt,, ot atobew, 1,,Q4* I'lu'Yor*