Resolution 1022 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 20RE'SOLUTION 140. 1022 A 'HIRSOLUII01T ass tint int,,,e cost of s ii�-htiaL� SpeuiLl Lighting District Number of the City of Kalispzell for the year 1924, and lovying ozid assessing call t!le property within 11 1. - the said distrJct with the cost oi.' liglating said district. BE IT RESOL"IM 3Y T--T,, CITY' COUNCTL OF THEO� CIT'f OF KALIP>7—,LL: Section 1. The cost of Li-,,htiyw ')istrict -Nul,,abex of thoCity of IMispoll for the year 1924 is esti- )-futed to be J108.00 Section 2. h tax is hureby levied and assessed upon all the property in tho Said dis-trict for tile ".rq ,Of,trjt Of thc, estimated cost of li_rltinnp t-rie streets therein by appfrtioning 1- to tile several lots and --oarccjlz of land vathin the said district. (Feferencd is hereby made to t.up- oril',imal 'Resolution which is on file and of :r°eoard in the office, of thc City Cler], fox, a 2pecific descriution of twee -property embraced, in the above memioned resoliition. section 3-' "'he tax hereby levied becomes delinqucrit at six o'clock P. Y., on Ole j -10-th day of' November, 1924-., Section 4. Ueference is hereby made, to Vie Resolution of intention to create L-I,-,htin� (district Nu -'Ibex - for furtzicr particulars. Introduced Sepil-el',aluer 2nd and set for hearlmg -October 6th at 7 30 c 10 o' — P- A. IE. Boorman, Mayor. P. 1'. Holzlknecult, City clrjl°k. Adopted this t,�(,, 6thday of October, 1924. A � rope �,.r 6 tA.-L of OC4- ..) �,oved. this '-w, labcr, 1924. A. - E. Boorman, I'Tay0r. Attest: P. '11'. Holnkneo',-it, Uity Clerk.