Resolution 1023 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 23m
.1%,I I J10stjjtj,,jn,uoot Oin- Smul Li-1,
of tue City of for thc
ye,, -a, 1)24, :--U lwyi,�. :,;,,d -1-w 1pioporty wito n
ulw. said d11ztX,1Ct V;Jt-1 L, coot of said dioit:,ict.
�J, E, IL11, , IIISOLVEID C, 3Y IT 11, 0'., - 1, ,
Sactiull 1. to co 'A, li"'atin, Li;. jLtiyj- 41Diqtri.Ct, ]ftnber
T-,,YF,'NTY-TL,1fPE of the city of IULlia-ncll for t-l"le yet,r 11124 is esti-
Yi,Aod to be $102-00
Section 2. A tax Is hereby levied snd aosessed 4pon Lal the
prope: ,ty in tile ondd district for Uie owit of the
estim.ted coot of the streetz therein by apportioning
'to the several lot$ and ircelu of .and within t:,,,ie said district.
(lieference is liereby made to the or1C,;inL,1 T,coolAion whicla
Is on iilo wid of record in the office of the City Clo:vk for
a speoiflo description of the property oilbraced in the above
llmntioacd r000lution.)
Section 3- The t= 1,iereby levied becories delinquent at
six o'clock Po 11T., on the 30th d,"y of 17ovevibe:r, 1924.
Section 4. Beference is hoi,eby rudo to the Resolatian o:r
into—tion to create Lighting District Jluror
for furilter port iculars.
Introduced Septez,,iber 2nd ,:,nd set for heuri.n,,,,- October Fit
at 7:30 o'clock P. 11.
Attoot: P. Y. 1101;il' eont, City Clerk.
' of arc luober, V,24,
iopted this tj,-ie 6u day
-, -V of Octobe�r, 11)24.
.,p-proved t1iia dine 6th da,
A. 1,e�. Boorrmn,
Atteot, TD. P. ffol?.%neeht, City Cle�][r,