Resolution 1024 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 27LLII.S �111�r �(),Tjo 1024 .A_
A a ,iESOLU'1'1011 eativu�tin��; the cost of ,4 ting Special Lgb itilir,
Die trict jT%LT,,jbc-r TIYEVITY-SE177PIT of' the it vc I jispe'll for
the year 1924, tImi 1eVyiz4,o w1d asoesaiw,-, ull property vithin
t1w w4dd distxiot wth tie cost rdl` lightlzig said distviot,
Section 1. The oost ui 11,31iting Likhtina latrict Nu,fluer
TW 4 Tl-S)EWEN 0,1, taeOdty of ISlAalell for the ye = 1,)24 Is astiw
ateod to be 1"P232.92
Section 2. A tam Is lwroVy 2ovied and assessed u1pon .11 tl4a
,P!'GPCrty iU VIC WUd IiL,.,htinG dist.Viat for the wnount of the
estimated cost of lite.,liting, the streets therein by a4jpa° tioning,
to the several lots ana parceis ..,& va thin the said district.
(Beferaned is hereby mcule to the orl-im-111 Reaolution which
is on file and of record In tho office oX t1w, City Clerk tow
a specific description of the vroperty ambraced in the above
mentioned resolution. )
Section 3-- The ta% hereby levied bnow lez delinquent at
3ix o'clock P. IL, on the 30th day, of November, lg,?4.,
Section 4. 11lefcrenco Is nereby made to tlw Yosolution of
ii"itention to create Lig!"iting Dictriot Nu,-,,,ber
1:0,1 iurtltow j-'articularo.
Introduced Septenber 2nd and act for hwarix4g, Octaber 6t!i
at 7*30 0101001C P- 11-
A. Boolnmm. 141,,,yor.
Attest'. P. 1. 11o1zkno0ht# City Clcrlc.
jwopted this vie 6th day of october4 1924.
!,pproved this the 6t1i day of October, 1924.
Atteet: P, I. lfolZkIlGellt, It Clerk.