Resolution 1025 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 28no
RE30L�,-,TION jqTo. 1025
A F'111130LUI'TOJ�T esStjaZtjt-j tjie cost of Speci,,,,.3, Ligviting
Diotirct jjuqb(j, 7111i217T-EIC' HT c.�f tilc GiIV of for
the YeRT 1924-, ievyin�, and' assess all the nroperty within
'the", 5 a Ld ,1! 3 IU, I! C T, wit A �11Cut
Section 1. The cost of lijitiI--7 i- D S a 'ict Nun.lbfr
TIE,= Y--E 10, HT of Lac City of Kalizell for tie~ year 1,)24- �3 esti-
mated to be �Ip.164.70
Section 2. A tax i z, hereby levied and aysessed upon all the
property in tzle sad d lighting district for t-,Ie amolint of ti-ke
esti,m,,-,,,ted cost of ttle streets I.-Iterein by ap ortioningy
to the several lots rued parcels of land within tho said dizt-Ict.
(Iefererice io h(--�reby ma -de to the orii_-,ivE41 Tie: ol,qt:ion which
Is on 1ile, aid of record. in t',Ile office oftne City C?.e-ck (ol-
a specific doscri-ption of tie: ,prope-,ty em�)raced in tite above
mentioned. reooltition.)
Section 3. The tax iiereby levied beco,,, s U, Oinquent s,t
o 1, x o'clock P. 11. , on the 30th day of IToveT,,iber , 1.924
Section 4. Tlefe:cenca is h�reby made to tie,'Yacolution of
intention to create ldg7htinDisemi ct Nu,,ber TII,72,I.ITY--I,,IG'IT
for fLlrt"Ier pa,�ticlllare.
Introduced Septe,-;iber end and iet for' hearii),-, Octor)(--r 6th
at 7:30 o'clock P. MI.
A„ E. Boorman, L.ayor,
Attest: F. 1, Holzl yicht, City Clerk.
111�(4opted this the 6th d,,-�y of October, 1924.
�D;I)TD-Ved t1`ai,3 the, 6tli day of October, 11)24 .
A, LI. Boormam, layor,
Attest - 'P. 1". Holzk,,-,,ecAt, City Cle
I . rk.