Resolution 1026 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 291026 A RESOLUTION estivatin,:1 the cost of lightinr Special Lighting D4 , trjCt Nwriber TWti'- ,TTY- INIj of the City, of Kllilis,pcll for the year 1924, and lovying and assessin-v, all t'jae nroperty -wihtin I the said district with the cost of li,,;Jitins said district. 73B IT TEIESOLVED 13Y T-111] CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KUISP,!,LL: Section 1. The coat of lighting Lightii,-ig Di�,�,triot Number TWE'N TY- 11 T 1E, of the City of Kalispell for the year 1924 is esti- iaated to 'be �99-00 Section 2. A tax is hereby -ILvied and assessed upon all the ,0x,01)C,rty in t�je SCti(j li,,jjti3,j3 diStI.40t for tiae amowit Of the estimated cost o:',' 2i--,Iiti n�:, the street.- t,tez,ein by appoytioning to the :several lots and liarcels of land witnin the said district. �11,eference is hereby i,.ude to t-,e original Resolution which is on file and of record in the of"fice of the City Clork for a specific descriPtion of ti,,e propexty embraced in t-ae, abo�,,e mentioned resolution.) sectiol, 3. The tax hereby levied be=liez delinauent at six o'clock P. M'. on the 30t1! 0,2;Y of Novemlbe:c, 1924. Section 4. Reference is nf-re made to the Resolution of ii-Aention to create Li,-,htj.11g Diutrict Nuriber 7TENTY-NINE for f'urtiier particulars. Introduced Septembej2 grid and set for hearin6 October 6th at 7.30 o'clock -P. V. A. I,% Boorman, Mayor. Attest- P. P. TTolz1Lncciit, Cj,,ty Clerk. Adopted tais' the 6th day of October, 1924. i-p-proved th.J-�� the 6t'n dayof Octobe-,:, 1924. 1 A. N. Boorman, llayor. i'i.ttost:, P. F. Holzlaaecht, City Cle'rk".