Resolution 1027 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 30m L,io ouat of Specica iL;,,! tinZ Distirot Phymbow THIRTY of U�e City of K,,liupell 1"or tiro yet-w 1924, <,ml levyi%�- z:,,,Ild u.11 tho property within the 8RId diotriet WIVI the Gbbt 01 llglltlk-� vdu U18WQt, WE', 'IT Fll''SOTVEoD BY 'iluM C1'27 COM-1,01L ()l T11, CITY M: of ligltin,- Xm,ibor THIRTY of Vie City of for t1w year 1`)24 la esti- slated to be t99-00 Section 2. A tc= Is hereby levied and asseaaed upon cU2 the property in the sail licl;htingr district for tile Volount of the eutimc,ted cost, of the streets 4terein by apportioning to the sever,'41 lots ;,;.yid purcels of lcuid within the aid district. (1,efererice is Aereby viude to t4e ori,;im.1 l.-lesolution whith i,j on l'ilo ,4,nd oX record in to oiiiue ofWie City Clerk joj a specific dm3criptioa ol' the property embraced in the also mmntioned resolution.) Section The tax hereby levied becmew alinquerat at six 001ock P- 141-t on the 30tit &Ly of ffovelber, 1924. Section 4. eierancc is I'Lereby imde to '-'-:eaolution cad intention to create Liglitin District Nus fiber 1111MV171 for furtitor Introduce4 September 2sad, and set October 6t1i at 7:30 oOclock P. M. A. Boo:rm'n, 11,'iUyor.. Attest: P. 1. Hulzkt;noht, City Clerk. ,4opted tiiia vie 6th day of October, 1924. A,�Troved this the 6th dv ot October, 19�1-4. 13oorr=, Mayor. Attest: 11. 1'. Ho1Zknooht* City Cleric.