Resolution 1008 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 4RESOLUT-101,T_1NO.
A RRS0LTJ-!0j1 estiniating the cost of li6htin3 SIn cial ldl�
Diotrict Nunber FOLM, If' the City of Kalispell for
the year 1924, and levying and assessing all the property
within tie said district with the cost of lighti,,-.,g said district.
Section 1. The co,,-,t of lighting Mightinp, District Number
1, CUE of the rity of Kalispell foi.- the year 1924 is esti-
mated to be
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the
property in the said li-ghtirk.g, district for the amount of the
estimated cost of liehting the streQts therein by 4a,.0portioning
to the several lots and parcels of land i,%,ithin the said district.
(Reference is hereby ri de to the original.Resolution -which
is on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for
a specific description of the pro perty embraced in the above
mentdoned resolution.)
Section The tax hereby levied becomea delina-w.ent at
six o'clock P. Iv%, on the 30-th day of November, 1924.
Section 4. Refer enoe» is hereby made to the Eezoltstion of
intention to create Lightinn- Disti�iot NuL,rber FOUR
for further particulars.
Introduced September 2nd arid set for hearing October 6th
at 7:30 o'clock P. V-
A. E. Boorman, lizyo-r
Attest: P. F. HolzIn-lecht, pity Clerk.
Adopted this the 6th day of October, 1924.
Approved this tie bath day of October, .1924.
A. E. Boorman, Mayor.
Attest': P. F. Holzkiaccht, City Clerk.