Resolution 1007 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2A RESOLWIOX estimating the cost of luting Speo4al Litjitirxg DIs triot Number TWO of the City of =I spell for t1ie year 1924, ,.A.Yad levying and, all tiue prope-r-t I within the said district with the cost of lightl district, DIV. IT LESOLVED BY T10 CITY COUNCIL (F THE CITY OF 1UZ1S,'12LL: �;aotion 1. Tne cost of lic;hting, LIitirk; District Number TY,10 of the city of FW61ispell for the yeex 1924 Is esti- mated to be ��791-04 Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and aosessed ul)on 4 1 the property in the said lighting district for the amount of the estimated cost of lighting the streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and pnrcels of land within the said district. (Reference is hereby xzde to the original Resolution vtlAoh io on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the property embraced in tie above mentioned resolution.) Sootion 3. The tax hereby levied becorms delinquent at six ovolack 1). m., on the 30th day of Norembero 1924. Section 4. ILeference Is hereby made to the Resolution of for further parti culars. Intro dused $epte4nber 2nd and set for hcarirL3 October 6th at 7:30 otclock P. It. A. E. Boorman, 11%yox- j%ttest; ,'. Y. Holzkneoht, City Clerk. ,kdopted this the 6th day of October, 1924. Approved this tie 6th 4ay of October, 1924. A* "S. Boorman, Mayor. Atteot:. P. F. 11olzItnecht, City Clerk.