Resolution 1012 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 6IM A estimating the cost of liGhtiaLg. SIL, cit-d Lighting District Humber SIK It the city of Thalis'poll for the year 1924, and levying wad womezzing all the .property within the said distr1,;,-,t with tie cost ol' ligghti.Z, stlid district, M IT BLES OLVEI) nY TME CITY COGITOU OF T-,�E CM XL1,13PELL: Section 1. The cost of liShting Lighting District Nulliber ix 0:r the city of Mi lispell for the year 1924 is es ti. muted to be t462.00 Section 2. A tax is here lv levied and assezze4 ui,)on U13- the property In the said 1,ighting district for. Une amount of the estimated cost of the ztreotc tdaqrein by apportioning to the oeveral lots c--md parcels of land it in the maid district. (Reference is hcrzby m de to the ori,,),in.,,,2 Resolution whIch is on file wA of record in the office of Vie City Clerk i"or a specific description of the property embraced in the above mentioned resolution.) section 3* The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six o'clock P. It., on the 30th daY of r1ovober, 1924. Section 4. Y,,oference is iiereby made to the Resolution of intention to create Ligjjtjn,,-> District Stu-.,iber TX for :rurther 13cwtioulars. Introduced Septcliber 2nd and set for hearing October 6th at 7.*30 o'clock P. lut- A. Als Boorman, Mayor Attest: P. P. Tlolzknecht, Uity Clerk. Adopted this the 6tit d,-W of October, 1924. Approved this vt,:tea day of October, 1924, Attest: P. 1. HolZknooht, City Clerk. A. 13. Boorman, 31k-,yor.