Resolution 1016 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 10IMLLP- OPION '0. A h1i'S0T,U'1'I01q esn U` imati, he tcost of li;--i V. ,hting Spec1 Lighting TIN - Districtw Nrib e, r T- of the City of K,Alispell for theyear ],(,)24, and levying and assessing all the property within the caid district with the cost of lj,,,,-dhting said district. BE, IT I'LRSOLVED BY TID, CITY COTJYCIL OF TH-1,' CITY OF iVILISPIEMI - Sedtion 1. The cost of li-htirtg District 31umbe-x y Iq I of the cdty of Kelisj)ell for tfic- year 3.924 is esti- mated to be 9 Section 2. A tax is I'llereby levied and assessed upon ull the -property in the said lighting district for the ainount of the estimated cost of the streets tdael,oin by apportioning to titc, sevea.,,A. .-Lot,, and p,,,Lrcels of land within the said district. (Refcrencc is -hereby made to 1hie origin--.1 Resolution which i,z on file and oJ' record in the office of Vac City Clerk for a specific description of the -property embraced in the above mentionA. resolution.) Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquent at six o'clock P. M., on the 30th day of' November, 1924. Section 4. Re ferej,jCe 40 hereby made to the Pesol,.Lion of intention to creute Disti,ict Nu;-iber TEN for furt"rer tarts culaxs. Introduced Spctember 2nd caiu set for hearinS October 6th at 7:30 o'clock P. M. E. Boorman, Attest- P. F. Holzlknecht, 6ity Clock. Adopted this the 6th &1,y )f' Octobe-r, 1924- Approved this the 6th day of 0 ctober, 1,)24. Boorman. 1,1--yor. Attest: P. F. llolzlnolciIt, City Clerk.