Resolution 1015 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 9315 RESOLU7ION NO, 1015 T, BESOLUTION estimatin�,,- kite cost ol-1k, I lightinL; Sly cial Li-1-iting District Nurfoer 7PTE of t:oe City of K;,tli3,,olJ for the year 1924, and levyirk,,.-, u-nd asuesain,,_. all the property vfthin t1ae said disti,act 17ith tie cost of 1Lhting qslla 11str7ct. B-11 IT EESOLVED B-T T-HE' CITY COUNCIL 01' THL Cl--V-' OF KAL131"LL., Section l® T-e cost cr F ji-ijtin;- idglitirc District Nafiber N I "I" IT -1 of the city of Kalispell for ti,.e year 1924 ja esti- mated to be 1i199 A00 Section 2. A tax. is hereby levied and a2seused i;L_,,)on Lz.11 t1r)e proDerty in the said li,Ming district for t'uo amount of' t1l,e e3-tj.m,_jted co2t of lighting the streets tilierein by apportioning to tile severpl lot: and parcels of land within the suiri district. (7 erence of -is hereby made to the or i Resol iition which R - is on file and of' record in tLe office, of the City Clerk for a specific description of the property embraced in th.e above mentioned resolution.) Section 3. 'rho tax hereby levied beoom.cs delinquent at six o I clock F. M. , on tire 30th dray of Novernber, 1924'. Section 4. Reference is i,_ereby iwde to tile Re'solution of intention to create Lightin6 District Ntv-.fiber for further particularq. Introduced Spetmnber 2rd and .set ior Yeesrizb> Octo-ber 6th at 7:30 0'c104 Boormnn, :�­yOr Attest, P. F. Holzkriec­t, City Clerk. Adopted this 0-te 6th day of October, 1�)24. ppro,ved tr '-12 s tte 6tki dL,y of October IL_yor. Attest:.P, I-. HolzkneciA, Cit-Y Clerk,