Resolution 0998 - Resolution of Intent - SID 220W
Ljiq_01�1_7 T!�_L_VA - 2122
N& 220
section 1. That it is Ue intention of -tk'VCity (701111cll o the
C,1,ty of' Kali sp,�,;11 to C"reate a spe cial improvenent distl,�,,Ct, nereby
deo,iu'nated as Special Di�trict No.220, and Ube boundarics
of proposed special improvement Matrict are la(-,�_reby declared to
be us follows:
w1iich is t1le, Jnte:rFention of ti,,e of
Third street a_nd the nentarline Of t�jaojl,ey of Blocl, 194 liddition
number 2 extended nurtncrly; thence in a ouzh(.5rly dilection
ta),e oeiterlLr� e othe sOley between Fiftii a_d Sixth Aven,,Les TeAst
through Blocks 19, 197 and 19�con tinuin.', soulAkerly to to ; cei-,,te.rlinc
of SixtJo Symet; Vence in an easterly dj.:cection ,slon,; tvo
fent to a point v.,hich i��, 142
of Sixth Street for a distance of 3, JS
feet east of the east property line o1 Bast; tho,,,-�oe 1r.
s, nartnerly direction 142 feet, e,,-1-st of pallei Uo t,he east
pvopQ:rty lilac: of Sixth Avenave East tea-rou,,]s _Block, 199, i�6 a-ana 19�
,and thence continuinS Vo the ccnterline of Third Strect, thence
the centerline of Tldrd St.,rec,,t 1 3, feet in ,i. iireste.rly (11rection.
to the pohit M beginnin!, All blocbs a3.t ove, ment-ioned are In
Addition 1hunber A? City of Kul ispell, Mont-ara.
Section 2. That the general character of the impravcnnontti> to be
,made in said proposed Speci,,:al !Tnpro%rem.'�nt District az folaovvs, to-
vzi t: -vin_,, of Sxth Avenue East from '.1..hird Streot to
Sixth Street mu Lh either a six inch concrote p�vez,-,,ent on --,- gravel bane
or v, one 1',nd one-lau,-.I.f inch `,War-reriJ te-_Bitull thic --urface on a one
und one-hulf inch bitaminauo, lu,,:3e ur,,d constriiction of'
0,tch-ba2irc,, storm-sewero,, sidev,,,��,lk extensiors,, hez,,ders, etc.
Section 3. That 'glee', cost of' ill- prove-kents, is
Concrete 112,521.52,
Section 4. That We entire cost expense of sucla
includin_g .,,n,J ailc:y intersections, slnill be assessed the
entire distvicl.:, o-oh luor purcel of Und wiQvin Emch district to be,
aesesred fox that part of UR vrizal. a co&t VvInich its area bears to the
area, of the entire diotrict exclusive of st)'(jets, alleys and public
Section 5. Th,,A sad assessbanit be is aid fm, in t, en ecju,.Il
orlxnleal ListollraOnts lie'reby extended over a per.iod of ten years. SaLl
assessment shall constitute as fund to 'be known as Sj,)ecJ_L_1 lmprover,,ient
WY04ct lAnd A. 22Q.
Section 6. That aaid ohaM.l be paid f o, in Spo
Improveasent District Coupon "'Warra"11AS issued against Said di-,triat
in the swa a!' $10000 each, bear in,-, interest ;,,t 6 per cent. per
annum fx,oni Moe date of registro.tion until called for redemption or
p,,id in full, interest �--..,nriva,lly on the first da;7 or Tanuary
of each year, p,,,�,yalbe ten ye.ire fT,om date uA redeemable at any tiix
there rare funds to the credit of such improvenjent District Fund
a-vailable tiierefor; the in-terost coupons attaohed to such war -rants
to bear the fac-simile of thef,U,yor and Clerk.
Section 7. That on the seventh day of J"Lily 1924, at the
Council Chambers in We City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana
Eat 7:30 O'Clock P. 'a., a, regular xaeetin�,,,, the City CounCil Will
hear and lass upon. all protests that may be mr,.de against the maaing
of such improvements of the creation of such distinct, provided that
such, p:L,cLests are recei.,ecI by Vne City Clerk ixithl,r, fift,,;en days aftcr
the date w_i the fir,,A
Section 8. The City Clerk in hereby authorized ;.,.nd d1rocted to
°ive th",proper notice of the passage of this xwsolivl.ion by publication
and imiling �'equired b.y tiucb pu"olicotion to be in the
Ehlispell Times a weekly ea publiuliccl in the City of Kolispell.
D,�ssed June 12th, 1924.
jl.,,proved Juni� 1_ , 192,4�
P.. R TVT.ayor.
P. F. Holzknecnt. City Clorlxz.
Ct�,,-2,te, of Montana
County of b Ia,thcud SM.
cit:y- of Klispoll
I. P. F. Holzlaaccht, Clerk of th,,..> City of Kalispell,
MOntan& do 1wI'(-A-),Y CertifY t_at t1le FOresoin; is a Nal, true and
exnct copy of a resolution pwsed by the City Council rind approved
'' th� I T : L
by tnu o�, City off lloxtna oil the 12th d�iy,of
Jun.e, 1124.
19 i tn c, s, ne, 192V